Making Friends Over Junk Food

The class was full of groans. That general quiz was a killer and even the brighter students struggled with it. Jasper had to get help to carry the quizzes for marking. Alex and the twins offered to help with the grading after lunch while the leaders prepared for team bonding activities. But first, they had to settle their very first class lunch.

"Hey, did you guys smell that?" Jeff sniffed the air and asked, breaking the silence.

A wonderful smell wafted through the air and filled the classroom. Almost at once, the class' energy was lifted.

"Is that what I think it is?" Teddy asked and sniffed. His stomach growled loudly. 

Before anybody could offer to investigate, the door opened.

"Over here. Boys and girls, can you help to make a huge long table in the centre of the class? Thanks to your brilliant efforts, the principal wants to throw a class party to commemorate the start of your hellish examination special training sessions!"