Team Action First's Drama

Jun Le and Vivian sat in a corner and watched the others scream at each other. Danny could hear the yells from below. By the time he arrived at the indoor sports hall, he was already mentally prepared for a damage cost of at least five thousand dollars.

Instead, he saw an intense match of basketball.

Camila acted as the referee and yelled foul when Dragon kicked Teddy away. From the headband colours, Rebecca and teddy were a team while Dragon and Roy formed another team. Danny deadpanned. Was this what the calories from pizza and burgers were going to be wasted on? When were they going to study?

"What's going on?" he asked the two boys who weren't participating.

Vivan smiled. "They are competing to come to an agreement on whose strategy they should use. Rebecca said that focusing on core subjects was easier but Dragon and Roy claimed that they should work on the other subjects since the notes for the core subjects will be released soon."