New Skills

"Oh my god! This is so boring... how much longer do we have to do this?" Jeff complained.

The fur boys in the admin team have been sorting files and archiving those that were older than five years. Samuel had taken over the role of the cleanliness manager and cleaned every single dust-covered file before packing them into carton boxes and sealing them for archiving at a warehouse. Jeremy was in charge of carrying the heavy files and boxes alongside Issac while Jeff had the most tedious job of sieving through every file for documents to match them with the database. If there were any documents unscanned, he had to run over to scan it in the directory.

"Don't complain," Jeremy said and carried over a stack of four more thick ring files. "We did tell Jasper that we would help him, right? For those without degrees and aren't geniuses, we can only put our bodies to work."