Sweet Sixteen (3)

The two Wilde daughters were dolled up nicely for the gala event. It wasn't an ordinary gala event. In fact, it was a special kind of gala dinner planned by a certain someone whom neither girls knew about. Leonce looked over his work and had unshed tears of joy in his eyes. He'd known the girls since they were ten and time flew way too quickly. Now, he was looking at two very beautiful young ladies like budding flowers in spring.

Once the girls left, he texted his old friend and patron.

Leonce: They've just left my humble shop. Are you sure it's wise not to tell them about the gala's purpose?

Orita: Why not? It's their sweet sixteen and knowing how dedicated they are to their work, I don't think they'll be able to make it back home to celebrate. Besides, Wilmer is funding the gala dinner and announcements. We're making this official to the public as well so they need to look their best.

Leonce: Are you doubting my skills?