Job Offers

Alex and Claire had a major argument about work for the first time. Alex was determined to accept the commercial shoot for Tipton's new hotel but Claire was against it. That argument was brought to Orita's attention and the heiress smiled when they told her about it.

"Oh, I don't think there's anything wrong with that job. Alex, you should go for it. Also, there isn't anything to be worried about, Claire. I know the partners working with Tipton and the hotelier herself. Alex will be in good hands, the job is legitimate."

Claire hesitated. She hasn't told Orita about the stalker's gifts. After the first stalking incident that ended up in failure when they tried to nab the mastermind, a new incident occurred. The fact that this stalker was the one who proposed the job without revealing their identity made Claire very suspicious about their nature.

She looked over to Claire who looked triumphant at her mother's support.