Love at First Text

All good things must come to an end. For the Special Class and E.C. Class, many of them were reluctant to leave so quickly. However, duty calls and time waits for no man. Instead, as the mascot of the gathering, Alex announced that six years was way too long for a reunion. They would do this yearly instead. Nobody objected but many excuses were made about possible reasons for why they might not make it. Thankfully, one stern glare from Scarlet was all it took for everyone to apologise and commit to the annual event.

While the first day was used for resting up from the jet lag and the second day for full out partying late into the nights, the third day was spent packing. Some had to leave earlier because of work and flight timing but Jenna did manage to get a group photo with everyone in it to be sent to everyone after it was edited. Of course, a copy of the photo would be blown up and displayed in the Wilde mansion.