New Friends

The three-day camp was finally over and Scarlet was nervous for a different reason. Ever since she left Joyville, Scarlet didn't have any proper education. She was very busy with her career and neglected to put any of her knowledge to practical use. From what Scarlet heard, university lectures were rather fast-paced and there were no textbooks. Students had to listen to the lecturer and take down notes on their own. These notes will be used to help students study for their exams.

Orita prepared a small recorder so that Scarlet could tape down the lecture if she wasn't able to copy the notes as quickly. Scarlet was thankful for the gift and promised to put it to good use. The friends she made during the three-day camp proved to be very interesting and the group chat was constantly flooded. Scarlet didn't always read through the spammy messages but she did become closer with Joanna and Ryan.