A Date After Class (1)

Time has never passed slower and Scarlet was hardly able to pay attention to the things the professor was saying. Her mind was full of thoughts about Edward. He was such a swoon this morning and she couldn't stop blushing over how close he had been to her. It was unthinkable just a few months ago how she would be able to get this close to him and it still made her very nervous when she was with him. While he gave her the flutters, he also gave her the jitters.

She had only one class in the morning and so did Edward. They would be ending early today and it was a rare chance. Scarlet didn't know if Edward had plans but she intended to use this time to catch up on some writing. She had a new story she was working on but due to the pressure of coping with school and moving to Edward's apartment, Scarlet hadn't been able to do anything with it.