No Room Can Hold Us Back

Scarlet ran her hands over the rubber mat surface of the elevator walls and listened to Edward's advice. Judging from the size of the keyhole, the key she was looking for should be rather small. In fact, it didn't have to be a key. Anything that was metal could be used to pick the lock.

Feeling the surface of the rubber mats, Scarlet felt something beneath them and grinned at the easy victory. However, she was slightly hesitant. What if this counted as prop destruction?

"Excuse me," she asked the staff hiding behind the walls. "Does this count as prop destruction if I peel back the wallpapers and mats to search?"

Nook answered her through the announcement system that it wasn't a violation so Scarlet peeled the rubber off without hesitation. Edward couldn't keep the grin off his face when she did a little noise of happiness at the find. Being the courteous person that she was, Scarlet gently replaced the mat and tried the key on the locked control panel.