Cold-Blooded Partnership

From halfway across the world, a certain hotel heiress was enjoying her lemonade while scrolling through her phone on a sunchair when she screamed.

"Liu. Xiu. Wen. That bitch! Zhao-er! Prepare my private jet, we're going to America!"

Leah's personal attendant didn't question her mistress' source of anger. It was all over the internet in China that Scarlet Wilde, better known as Liu Xiu Wen, was rumoured to have a relationship with her fiancé. Although Leah wasn't in love with CEO Zhu Ming Yang, she was still a proud woman who couldn't allow the men within her grasp to be taken away by other women.

If Leah was going to America, there was only one person she would be seeing. That would be Mr Julian Anastasia, the rich CEO of EZ Express who had recently been Leah's favourite man. However, after seeing him getting chummy and treating an intern in his company better than he treated her, the partners had a slight falling out.