No Connection

Claire was horrified when she saw the news. It was a good thing Orita still hasn't discovered it. The head maid was told the horrible news by a frazzled butler. Anastasia was playing dirty and Claire wanted to storm in with her guns blazing to get revenge even if it wasn't the smartest thing to do.

It was a very obvious trap and they couldn't afford to ruin their meticulous plans now because of such a simple ploy.

"Keep this from Orita," she told Jenna. "I need to oversee this personally. I'm going back to New York. Also, cut the wire for the internet and jam the signals. Do not let her find out until everything is over. I will contact you. Don't let her out of the villa and don't pick up any calls. It's over once they get our location, everything will be for naught."

Jenna nodded. "The girls must be very terrified now and the situation must be horrible. Please keep them safe!"