Epilogue: Recovery Party

Once again, the Wilde mansion was lively. It took Dragon half a year to fully recover and when he did, the man demanded a recovery party and compulsory attendance from all his friends.

Naturally, nobody objected. This time, even Wilmer and Danny would be attending. Debbie and her husband decided to attend as well and Scarlet was overjoyed to learn that her editor would now permanently reside in America with her husband who was determined to work for Jasper and assist the young entrepreneur with his new company.

Everyone who attended knew the Wilde sisters except for two special guests that Edward didn't tell his girlfriend about. Scarlet and Alex were busy attending to their guests and had to explain to CEO Zhu that Jin Si-Han was a male and not a female. The poor CEO had been flirting with Si-Han for the longest time but the shy actor didn't reply until Scarlet stepped in to help him out.