Majestic University

"Good Morning! Young Master Wu" the man greeted Wu Mengyao as he entered the Private Room.

Wu Mengyao took a glance at the man who is in front of him. The man is wearing a long black coat underneath it is a black plain shirt paired with a blue faded jeans, on his right hand is a black rounded hat.

His appearance, contradicts to his real age.

"I expect you to have the informations about her death. I think three months is already enough for you to gather all the information, I need" Wu Mengyao said in a distant and cold voice.

After he received a call, three months ago from one of his trusted subordinate, informing him that Young Miss Zhao is already dead.

He was still shaking from anger when he immediately called Mr. Chu, his most trusted private detective to look for the person who killed his beloved woman.

Mr. Crane nodded and handed him an enveloped containing all the information that he wanted.

Wu Mengyao took the enveloped and opened it, as he was reading all the information he froze.

"What on earth is this? What the hell is happening? Why is there another person involved in her death? " he thought to himself and he look at Mr. Crane with a questioning expression.

Mr. Crane only gave him a blank expression and said, "Just like you young master, I was also confused and at the same time shocked when I learned about that during the time I was fathering informations relating to Miss Zhou's death."

"I'll contact you again if I need anything. For now let's end this meeting. Mr. Sheng will escort you outside."

Mr. Crane stood up and bowed to the young master. He was then escorted by Mr. Sheng, the butler of the house.

Wu Mengyao once again took a glance at the paper on his hand.

And stared at the photo attached in it.

"Li Chenguang"

He uttered the name of the lady who owns the picture.

''Approaching her might give me some information about Zhou Mei's death." Wu Mengyao stared at the photo for a couple of minutes.


After Chenguang took a refreshing bath she decided to call Grandpa Li.

She wanted to inform him that she was accepted in Majestic University.

"Good Morning Young Miss Chenchen." the man on the other line greeted Chenguang.

"Don't call me Chenchen, Wang Ling." Chenguang scolded the man on the other line.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever Chenchen. By the way, why did you call?" Wang Ling ask as he took a glance at Grandpa Li who was busy reading some documents.

"Is Grandpa Li there? I just wanted to tell him something. Can you give him the phone?" Chenguang said as she walk her way to the kitchen.

"Ok I will hand him the phone" Wang Ling said as he approach President Li.

"President Li, Chenguang is on the line. She said she have something to tell you." Wang Ling handed the phone to President Li.

"Hello Xaio Chen." President Li sweetly said to his Granddaughter.

"Good Morning Grandpa Li, I just wanted to inform you that I was accepted in Majectic university." Chenguang immediately said.

"How could you be accepted in that University? You didn't even send your requirements?" Grandpa Li ask while he continue reading the documents. Wang Ling thought to himself, "Mengxia must have send those requirements."

"Mengxia "accidentally" sent my requirements to them." she said emphasizing the word, accidentally, as she glance at her sister who is cooking happily.

"What Mengxia sent your requirements. That child!" her grandfather exclaimed in an angry tone.

Wang Ling who was eventually listening only shook his head. "Mengxia really know how to make her grandfather angry."

"Grandpa don't be angry, you know how Mengxia loves me. She only wanted to help me fulfill my dreams. At first I was angry at her but I also realized that without her help I wouldn't have the courage to take a step in following my dreams." Chenguang explained to her grandpa. Mengxia only wanted to fulfill her sister's dreams, I, Zhao Mei, can fulfill that on her sister's behalf.

"But you have already graduated from Harvard University at the age of eighteen, plus you are already working in our company as my most trusted lawyer." Grandpa Li reasoned out. "Plus you know that when you start going to M University you need to endure the presences of your bodyguards. I just cannot let you wander alone, after what happened to you." Grandpa Li added.

Chenguang sighed as she imagine herself being surrounded by bunch of bodyguards following her around the campus.

"Grandpa I only need one bodyguard which will also be my driver. But as you know I really don't need a driver or a bodyguard, I can protect my self." Chenguang said as she sat down and pick up her chopstick. She is starving now. The smell of the foods that is perfectly place in front of her made her stomach growl.

Grandpa Li sighed, "Yeah! After what happened to you, you can really protect yourself'' Grandpa Li's voice is filled with mockery and sarcasm.

" But I will permit you to attend and enjoy your school days in M University and please tell your sister that I wanted to talk to her this evening." Grandpa Li said before he ended the call and once again went back to reading the remaining documents.

Chenguang placed her phone down and stared at her sister.

"Mengxia, I told Grandpa Li about what you did and he said he wants to talk to you this evening. So you need to go home to the Li Mansion." Chenguang could feel her sister's nervousness. She knew that her twin sister is afraid of the old man who had raised them as his own grand-daughters.

Mengxia just stared at her sister hoping that she would help her.

Chenguang started digging the food in front of her while Mengxia is stood frozen in the place where she is standing and imagining what Grandpa Li would do to her. Thinking of the possible punishment made her whole body shiver.

"I made a huge mistake!" Mengxia thought.