Chapter 6

I woke up that morning feeling better than ever. Why is my pillow really soft?

I turned and saw that I was still sleeping on Scarlet's shoulder. I jumped up suddenly which caused her to wake. She stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes.

"Mornin' Dilliy."

"Good morning."

I then remembered the food I had in my backpack.

"Hey... I have some food left from the ones you gave me yesterday. Do you want to share?"

She smiled. "Sure."

We ate breakfast that morning silently. The suns rays shining upon us.

"Whelp, I got to go to school. Do you want to walk with me?"


We stood up and dusted ourselves off and headed towards school. We walked with each other. The silence was comfortable. Soon, we reached the front gates.

"Well. Um...Bye. I'll be in my tree."


I walked inside with a single thought on my mind. She didn't tell me why she was in the park last night. Or why she had a knife with her.

The day progressed too slow to my liking. And... Finally, the school ended. I practically ran to the school gates. That is when the color drained from my face.

I saw Smith's goons... and Smith! He had patches on his jaw and bandaids on like a gazillion cuts. He looked as if he was searching for someone. I gulped. I pulled my hoodie and prayed he doesn't notice me. Why is he here?! Isn't he suspended?!!!

"There he is! Grab him!"

Next thing you know I'm pinned. Again?! Why is this so cliche? Geez.

"Oi. How's it been?"


"Do you know where I can find the red-haired slut?"

"Uh...No. Aren't you supposed to be suspended?"

"See, about that. I got myself out of it."


"I have a bit of influence inside the school." he smirked evilly.

I swallowed.

"Now then. I'm pretty sure that your friend is close by."

That is when I saw the older boys hiding in the shadows. Oh-No! It is an ambush.

And that is when things really started going downhill.

"Hey! Let him go."

Smith turned around to the very person I wished wasn't here at this moment.

"Watch out Scarlet! It is ambush!!"

She looked at me and then glared hard at Smith. If looks could kill.

"I know Dilliy."

SHE KNOWS! And she stills comes here. T-To save me?

"Hey Slut, wanna play?"

"'f course I wanna beat you again. Who would pass up that offer?"

She is digging herself in a deep hole.

"I bet your all talk and no walk."

"Yer jaw disagrees"

Damn. That has to hurt.

"I got a few questions fer ya Smithy."

"Like why ya call me a slut of all the damn things in yer tiny brain?"

"Oh. That is easy, ya got a body worth being under me." That was the wrong this to say...

"Is that it? Shame. Why did you brin' a whole gang? Huh Smith? That hard to beat a meek gal?"

"'f course it isn't hard to beat you."

"Then why did you bring a whole damn gang?"

"'Cause I wanna watch the show. Look I even brought an audience." he pointed to me.

"Yer sick Smith." And the stupid girl but her hands up in a fighting stance. Ready to fight.

She is going to die.

The boys surrounded her ready to lunge.