June 18, 1865. "The Vivid Dream."

It's been a while since I wrote in this. About four months now that I look at the last entry. Yeah I can't believe what I wrote last time just like how I'm not gonna believe what I'm about to write this time. So like my previous entry said Samuel and Sarah are back and I'm stuck being a useless know nothing prince. So after my encounter with Samuel and Sarah things went almost back to normal. I mean as normal as it can get with two childhood friends lurking in the shadows and willing to give up their lives for me if need be. Honestly I don't like this new life style one bit but as Father's word is law I have no say in the matter till I'm king. Anyway back to what I'm writing in my journal again agree such a long time of not doing it. I was gonna write a few things that seemed important but when I look back at them it's all pointless and easily forgettable. I mean the only memory that stands out from these last four months is that Sarah has become more aggressive as of late and not in a nice way. She threaten to kill one of our servants for spilling tea on me behind my back. I only found out because Samuel told me. He said that ever since they learned how to shadow walk that she's become more hostile everytime she uses that spell. It's concerning and worrisome. I'm afraid of what she'll do if she really snaps.

Back to this entry original purpose. Lately I've been having this recurring dream these past few weeks and I think I should write down what I saw to clear my mind. The dream I've been having feels more like a distant memory of some kind. It has nothing to do with that black female figure I saw in the garden as a kid but it oddly feels like it's somehow related to it in a way. It hard to fully explain but the premise of this dream, and it's a bit of a stretch, is that I'm somehow looking through the memories of a past life.

Okay to better this let me start off at how this dream starts off. I close my eyes and right when I fall asleep I'm awake in a bed, not by bed but somehow it is but in a different time. The layout of the room is the same as mine however the furniture and decoration are all different. I'm much older in this dream than I am now. Like I'm a full grown adult and I seem to be sad and afraid as to what's happening this day. I'm not sure what day it is in my dream but I can tell it's not a very special day as I appear to be dressing in all black. Like I'm preparing for a funeral or something along those lines. Once I'm dressed I leave and I head towards my Father's chambers. It's not my Father but it's the same room he sleeps in. I go to sit beside a sickly old man who seems so familiar to me but so distant. It's clear that after he's done talking that this is his last moments on this earth and as he sets his hands on his son's head he chants something and before I even realize what's going on I'm somehow in the old man position. I'm now the old man looking at my son before he gets up and does the unthinkable. He reaches out and strangles me to death and right before I die I wake up in a cold sweat. Samuel rushed into my room to see if I was fine and after explaining what happen he simply says it's a nightmare.

At first I agreed with him but after a week of the same dream happening at different times with me being different people I couldn't help but realize this isn't a normal nightmare. These are in fact past memories of how the kingdom's kings came to be. With sons making their fathers deathbed more painful than already has to be. I'm afraid if when my time comes to be king I'll do the same to my Father and end his life as quickly as possible just so I can come into power. What I'm about to do next might be the dumbest thing I've done so far but I won't know for sure until my next journal entry.