The Dungeon Lord woke up.

One day I woke up inside a cave.

There were luminous crystals in the walls, one huge crystal in the center of the room and a collapsed tunnel leading to God only knows where.

I tried digging the entrance but human hands are not exactly the best tools for digging and there were no other tools around, so after a few hours of useless efforts I gave up.

"For God's sake, whoever left me here could at least given me some clothes to allow me to die with a bit of dignity."

No weapons, no digging tools, no mining tools, no cooking tools, no farming tools, just a single fool and one damn huge crystal.

Hit the crystal, pull the crystal, push the, no hidden mechanism here...

4 rock walls, 1 entrance sealed by a single huge boulder, 11 luminous wall crystals perfectly distributed, one huge luminous crystal in the center, and the naked human, me. That's all that was present in the room. If this is a sealed room game, can somebody press the Hint button for me? Please ^_^.

It was not like me to just give up, but considering everything I thought the best I could do was sit down and wait for rescue.

"Who knows, maybe this all was an accident and there are people trying to rescue me right now? So let's just sit down and wait, maybe this will keep me alive a bit longer..."


Time passed and nothing changed, but instead of getting weaker and weaker with the passing of the time, I got stronger, or at least I felt stronger.

All this weird feeling was due to some strange kind of energy contained in the air. Every time I breathed my body would absorb this energy, making it slowly sap into my muscles, dissolve in my blood and what was left of it was concentrating in the middle of my forehead.

I knew it was happening because I could particularly distinguish this energy from everything else. It felt as some kind of heat that would slowly pass through all my body and finally concentrate on the forehead.

At the beginning I was scared, thinking my forehead would explode or something if it kept concentrating energy like that, but there was no way I could stop breathing and as time passed and nothing happened, so slowly I unconsciously got used to the feeling and all my fears were forgotten.


Time kept passing and more and more energy was absorbed, the energy in the air started to get thinner but no matter how much energy was absorbed my limits still seem to be far far away.

While this place was quite peaceful and safe, I had to admit that I was damn bored since I had nothing to do, it was then that I got the not so brilliant idea of doing some muscle training to pass the time.

First, lets try some push ups, lets see how far I can go...



"9998....9999....10000....God damn, I'm not even sweating! Am I still human at all??"

I heard the general was also able to do 10000 push ups, but he was from the Hero's lineage, there is no way the son of a common farmer like me could compare! But reality denied my logic, even after ten thousands push ups my muscles had not even warmed up, adding to the fact I had no hunger, no thirst and so on, I was quite sure I was no longer human at all, but this answer came with a new question, if I was no longer human, what was I?

"Well, since I am now this strong, maybe I should try to move the rock again?"

I walked to the rock, but both my hands on it and with all my strength tried to move it....




Fail. No matter if it was lifting, pushing or pulling, everything was impossible.

Frustrated, I walked to the crystal and bashed it with both hands.

"Damn! Can somebody tell me what the heck is going on!?"

And then, I got the answer.

[System login attempted]

[Verifying mana signature...]

[Avatar mana signature confirmed]

[Access Granted!]

[Welcome to Dungeon Management System]

[Please state your commands]

One after another, messages appeared inside the huge crystal. Those messages were quite familiar to me, yes, they were just like...

"This is just like my computer's login sequence! Is this some kind of computer?"

Analyzing the messages and crossing them with the knowledge in my memories I finally got a lot of answers I wanted, and most of them were absolutely not things I wished to be true...

First: What am I?

It seems I am the Dungeon's Avatar, also known as Dungeon Lord.

Nobody is sure of our origin, but there are two main theories:

One, Dungeon Lords are constructs created by the Dungeon Core, using dead souls and magic, to execute complicated jobs that can't be done by monsters.

Two, Dungeon Lords are rare ancient devils who specialize in the creation of the Dungeons, and by linking their own life with the Dungeon Core they gain eternal life.

...Hmm, it seems the first is more reliable, at least I don't remember being an ancient devil or anything like that.

Second: What is going on?

If I consider the first theory as right, it seems like I was created to unblock the passage... But this seems quite absurd considering how weak I am. Couldn't it summon a Gigantic Tunnel Worm, or some Rock eaters instead!? Well, maybe it can't think, so it summoned me who can to think of a solution? Sigh...

Third: How did I end up here?

Still following the first theory, I didn't get here, I was created here, and that's why I'm naked. Well, at least I was not attacked by a bunch of perverts and thrown in here, so maybe this can be considered the only good news.

Fourth: What to do now?

For starters let's see what this Core can do, if it can make some tools or some monsters, maybe I will have a way out of here.

But before that, let me take a little nap now, as I doubt I will have a lot of free time after this...

"Hey? Did I just almost committed suicide?"