The Dungeon Lord decided to summon the Sun!

It was quite a thoughtless decision, made by a sudden impulse without a single bit of planning on how to accomplish it. It would be difficult to accomplish, there was no guarantee of success and a high chance of failure. I had no reason to really stick to my words and really do it, even if I gave up, no one would even know such a thing ever happened. Despite all this, due to a reason unknown even to me, I decided to go through with it and try my best to make it real.

Yes, there was no planning. So all I needed was to make a plan.

Yes, it would be difficult. But it was by no means impossible, and I was not afraid of hard work.

Yes, no one else would care no matter my success or failure. But I would care, and this was enough. I decided to do it solely due to my own feelings and it was all I needed to drive me forward.

Maybe in the future I would regret failing, but I was sure I would not regret trying! With all this in mind, on that day, I swore to do my very best.


To grow them we need 3 main things:



-Fertile soil., before that, there is something even more important!


Although this was called the Seed of Miracle, I have my doubts it will be able to produce seeds from nothing. Without a seed, no amount of light, water and soil will ever be able to produce Vegetables.

Luckily, after taking a look at the Summoning System, I was able to confirm the existence a list with all kinds of seeds ready for Summon as long as the price was right.

It was still a bit expensive but by no means it was too much and a necessary investment if I wished to start the business. I comforted myself by thinking that after this I would be able to produce my own seeds, so in the long run such prices would have being quite cheap compared to the unlimited supply of vegetables they would generate.

After I made sure I would be able to Summon some seeds, it was time to prepare the other 3 essential things.

Soil didn't seem like it would be a problem. Although most rooms of the Dungeon were made with solid rock, I was still able to stock a good amount of soil as I dig through the Dungeon and I should have more than enough to make some fields.

After thinking a bit more I decided to make the fields in the first floor, so I could easily make the rooms as I needed and there was no need to care about destroying the labyrinth that I had already dug out.

Water should be a bit of a problem, but was easily solved as I when I asked for Water in the Summoning System and it listed me a bunch of creatures capable of conjuring water.

It was then that I remembered most farmers would tame some Water Sprites to water the fields in their place, maybe I should do the same...

Unfortunately, to summon a Water Sprite I needed a special gem called Aquamarine, and I hadn't found any yet.

Fortunately, it was possible to summon it for 2 rubies and 20u Mana, so if I had no luck looking for it at the first floor, I still had a back up plan.

Two out of Three problems solved. Great!

The last one was the one I expected to be the hardest: How to bring Sunlight into the Dungeon?

As I thought about that I went to the first floor, and dug out a wide room.

"Now...what should I do?..."

The Sun passes through above right? Maybe I should try digging through the ceiling and see if I could make a hole?

It was quite a stupid idea, I even forgot there was another floor above me. Maybe it was because I was distracted or tired, I dunno. All I know is that I started digging through the ceiling of the first floor and discovered something incredible.... nothing!

Wait, no, hear me out!

After digging 50 meters up through the ceiling I finally reached the limit of what the Building mode allowed me to dig through. And to my surprise, instead of finding the floor above, I didn't find anything at all.

It should have been impossible to dig so much into the ceiling. Why? Because the stairs between floors are just 5~6 meters high! So I should have hit the other floor long time ago!

Quite confused, I started digging the ceilings right in front of the stairs in the first floor.

Dig, dig, dig...

Dig, dig, dig...

Dig, dig, dig...

50 meters high as well!?

I should have hit the second floor long time ago, but somehow it just didn't happen. I was even able to make a tunnel above the stairs! But if I dig down, I hit some kind of cubic barrier that was surrounding the whole stairs. What the heck is going on!?




Forget it! I'm no Wizard. There is no way I can explain this!

Anyway, digging through the ceiling was no good. I needed another plan.

How about adding some light stones? Maybe they will also work?


I scratched my head...

"I have a feeling this will not work... let's leave this as a last option"


"Sigh...If only I could Summon the Sun..."


[The Sun]

[Rank: B]

[Type: Misc.]

[Consumption: 70u/d]

[Description: Created by the Genius Dwarf Wizard Tron to enable underground farming, it is able to provide sun light to all around it, illuminating everything in a radius of 2km. For safety reasons, never get closer than 100m when it's turned on.]

[Resources required]

-Topaz gem, 20

-Ruby gem, 15

-Diamond gem, 15

-Gold, 20kg

-Mana, 1000u

[Summon it now?]

"This is it! I have decided!"

"I will Summon the Sun!!!!"


[Not enough resources!]


But first, lets dig out more gem stones...