The Dungeon Lord got good and bad news.

What I truly wanted was to summon an adult Water Sprite, it would be not only useful watering the farm but also be able to defend itself if the situation ever called for it. Unfortunately, I didn't even have resources to summon a child, let alone an adult. So my choices were between summoning a baby or and egg.

[Water Sprite (egg)]

[Rank: F]

[Type: Task Force]

[Consumption: 0u/d]

[Diet: Mana]

[Size: Tiny]

[Description: Hatch after incubating for a week, giving birth to an Water Sprite (baby). They are quite frail, please handle them with extra care.]

[Resources required:]

-Aquamarine, 1

-Mana, 10u

[Water Sprite (baby)]

[Rank: E]

[Type: Task Force]

[Consumption: 10u/d]

[Diet: Mana]

[Size: Small]

[Description: Used by many as a portable source of Water, Water Sprites babies can summon 100 liters of water per day.]

[Resources required:]

-Aquamarine, 2

-Mana, 50

Considering both prices were similar and the end result would be pretty much the same, I think I will end up summoning two eggs and waiting one week, but maybe I should summon a baby from the start... Why is this so hard to decide? Should I use the dice again?

Next on the list would be the blacksmith, but I think it's better to wait until we have fresh vegetables before summoning him. It's not like I'm in a hurry or anything, as long as nothing comes out of the orange zone again, there is no danger here...

As I walked back to the Dungeon Core, I remembered it's been some time since I last saw the Dungeon Status, so I decided to take a look.




Name: Unnamed Dungeon.

Rank: E

Avatar level: 25/40

Floors: 2/2.

Task Force: --

Defense Force: 1F.

Invaders: --

Allegiance: Neutral

Available Mana: 2195u

Available Miasma: 122780u

Productivity: 90u/d

Event Log:

-New commands available, "Turn on The Sun" and "Turn off The Sun"

-Magicraft The Sun has been connected to the Dungeon Core.

-Magicraft The Sun was summoned.

-Creation of Miasma draining tunnel complete.

-New source of Miasma detected.



Magicraft? Is this a new name for artifact or what? Anyway, it seems like it connected with the Dungeon and now I can turn it on and off using the System.

"Heheheh, tremble mortals! I got power over The Sun!!!"

Ignoring my own childish remark, I focus back on the Dungeon Core.




[This is the list of requirements for the next expansion:]


-Defense Force expansion (1/5)

-Task Force expansion (0/1)

-Traps installed (1/5)

-Conversion of Miasma (4600/10000)

-Floor Expansion (2/2)

-Rank D Monster Core (1/3)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"All right, let's see... hmm..."

It seems I need to summon 5 more creatures and 4 traps...

If I didn't summon The Sun, this would be easy, but because I summoned it, my Mana balance went down to only 90u. if I summon that blacksmith apprentice it would cost 30u, two Water sprites babies is another 20u, leaving only 40u for 4 creatures and 4 traps...that is about 5u for each of them...

It seems like I will have to create an army of mud golems. Hehehe... T_T

I wonder if turning off The Sun I can save some Mana...

Let's test!

"Turn off The Sun!"


[Magicraft The Sun has been deactivated!]



Productivity: 160u/d


"Yes! This will save me some Mana!"

Then I might as well consider the problem with creatures as good as solved.

It seems the only problem left will be the D Rank Monster Cores.

This feels wrong but maybe I should pray for the orange zone to have a few other Giant Centipedes.

Well, the only way to find out is exploring, right?

...wait, wrong! Maybe now that the tunnel is open, I can scan it with the Radar!

It's free, so let's try! XD

"Building Mode!"


[Building Mode activated!]



[Radar activated!]

The map appeared inside the Dungeon Core again. This time, looking at the orange area, I noticed it's size had expanded to outside the Dungeon Influence Area, there were many tags showing the place was full of bones and monster parts and finally there were more than 20 tags displaying Giant Centipede, varying from eggs to adults.

"The good news is I don't need to worry about lacking D Rank Monster Cores! Heck, looking at these tags, there is even a B rank Monster Core lying around there!" ;)

"The bad news is that I need to start worrying about my life! I don't know why they didn't invade this cave yet, but it's surely only a matter of time." T_T