The Dungeon Lord summons Blue.

As I arrived in front of the central tower of the farming camp, I organized in my mind the next steps that I would take.

First let's summon the seeds, then put the goblin to work, next I will summon one Water Sprite baby to water them and two eggs for later, as I expand the fields.

"Summon! Turnip!"


[Turpin Seeds]

[Rank: F]

[Type: Msc]

[Description: Turpin Seeds. Take one month to grow, can grows faster in environments full of Mana.]

[Resources required]

-Mana, 500u

[Confirm Summon?]

Damn, just look at this price! 500u for a bag of seeds! Not even Ruyk would steal like this!


A small brown bag with a turnip drawn in the front face appeared on the summoning circle. Turpin was written on it.

"Turpin?? Isn't this turnip??? Is this some spelling error or what?"

Well, crops don't need to know how to write or read their names so who cares if it's name is spelled wrong :p .

Ignoring the name, I counted the seeds inside the bag. 1, 2, 3.... 50 seeds. Good, I think this is enough for a beginner.



"You see the field over there? Plant this seeds on the field!"

"Master, Ruyk is a thief, not a farmer."

"I see, then, should I get you to steal some crawling monsters instead?"

"Ruyk will be happy to plant the seeds in Master's place!"

"Good! Plant them separated, on seed per hole, leave one step of space between each seed."

"Got it! One step per hole, one seed distance between steps!"

"Right! Now go!"

...wait, was that really right?? Whatever! After I summon the Sprites I will take a look.

After drawing a new summoning circle and adding two aquamarine gems on top of it...

"Summon! Water Sprite baby!"


[Water Sprite (baby)]

[Rank: E]

[Type: Task Force]

[Consumption: 10u/d]

[Diet: Mana]

[Size: Small]

[Description: Used by many as a portable source of Water, Water Sprites babies can summon 100 liters of water per day.]

[Resources required]

-Aquamarine gem, 2

-Mana, 80u

[Confirm Summon?]


A little head sprouted from the ground. If was transparent blue and had two big eyes and a small nose mouth.

"Hello little fellow, I'm your new master."


"Come here."


I tried taking it in my hands but my hands just by passed it.

"Oh, yeah, its a spirit type being, it can't be touched..."

What to do now?...

It eats Mana, so maybe I should give it a bit of my Mana?

Covering my finger with Mana, I approached it as if I was going to poke its head.

It started sniffing my finger and after feeling the Mana, it opened it's little mouth and bit the finger.

I couldn't help but smile at the scene, it was too cute.

After having it's fill, it floated up and got to my shoulder.

I wanted to pet it, but it's immaterial nature made such thing impossible, so I end up quite frustrated.

"You got a name, little one?"


"Got it. Then Blue, I will need your help in watering some crops. Can you help me?"


Blue nodded it's big head.

"Great! Thanks! But first let me summon two little siblings for you."

I walked up the tower stairs and got no top of the tower where The Sun was located.

"Let's summon them here, The Sun should work as an incubator, but putting them too close will end up frying them, let's put them on the corners..."

After drawing two summoning circles on the corners, I made the call.

"Summon! 2 Water Sprite egg!"


[Water Sprite (egg)]

[Rank: F]

[Type: Task Force]

[Consumption: 0u/d]

[Diet: Mana]

[Size: Tiny]

[Description: Hatch after incubating for a week, giving birth to an Water Sprite (baby). They are quite frail, please handle them with extra care.]

[Resources required]

-Aquamarine gem, 1

-Mana, 20u

[Total required]

-Aquamarine gem, 2

-Mana, 40u

[Confirm Summon?]


Two blue eggs, with the same size as Chicken eggs, appeared in the circles.

Done, for now I just need to leave them here and come back later...

Time to check how Ruyk is doing.

As I went down the stairs, I heard Ruyk signature scream echoing through the floor.
