The Dungeon Lord meets the Village Chief's son.

As I rest a bit on the floor, the 3 kids, Tom, Nick and May, approach me curiously.

Tom, the tallest of them, grabs a stick in the woods and start poking me.

It doesn't hurt or anything, since what he is poking is my armor. This armor can reflect arrows and sword strikes, there is no way it would lose to a wood stick. Even so, he keeps rubbing the damn stick in the armor again and again, to the points its starting to bother me.

Well, let's just keep quiet and they should go away soon...

Nick, curiously look at me and start circling around me, but he seems too shy or afraid to poke me like Tom was.

As for May, she goes around, grabs some flowers, put them in front of me and start praying in silence...

Suddenly, Tom call out the two of them.

"Hey guys, look!"

He starts hitting my helmet, my body plate and other armor parts, making some different noises.

Tock! Tack! Teck! Tun!

"Heee?!?! It's like my dad's drum!!!"

Nick gains a bit of courage, grabs a stick as well, and start drumming my armor.

Tock! Tock! Teck! Tack! Teck! Tun! Tun! Tun!

"Me too! Me too!"

May also grabs a stick and making sound.

Tock! Tock! Tack! Teck! Tack! Teck! Tack! Tun! Tun! Tack! Tun! Tun! Tun!

The three kids keep playing for a bit until Nick has a new idea.

"Hey, what if we use stones instead?"

He grabs a stone and start hitting, making a new kind of sound.

Pan! Pon! Peng! Pun!

"Cool! Me too!"

Tom, walks away and come back with a palm sized stone.

Pan! Pon! Pun! Pon! Peng! Pun! Pun!

"Eh... I like this better!"

Tock! Pan! Pon! Teck! Pun! Pon! Tack! Peng! Pun! Pun! Tun! Tun!

"Then, how about if we-"

That was my limit...


The three kids jump away and vanish faster than the wind.

"Damn brats!"

Slowly, I get back on my feet.

I look at my armor and it's a complete mess. While nothing in it is broken, it's full of dirt, sap and sand... T_T

Maybe I should go back to the river and clean it?

I look back, looking at the track climbing the mountain.




No way! Let's finish this now so we don't have to come back!

Taking a long breath, I continue walking toward the village.

Another ten minutes walking and I finally arrived at the village.

As people saw me, they made all kinds of different faces. Some were scared, others thought my look was funny, many were simply curious and a few were looking at me with disgust.

Soon a young man volunteered to deal with me, he approached and with a respectful tone he asked.

"Sir, can I help you with something?"

"Yes. Take me to your chief, I got something to talk to him."

The young man makes a troubled face and answers.

"Sorry Sir. The village chief is out, he should come back in a few days..."

"Hmm... then who is responsible for the village now?"

"That would be... me, Sir."

"Great, then bring us to a place where we can talk. The subject is a bit sensitive to be said here..."

"Hmm...sure, please follow me."

The young man brought me to a house on the center of the village.

The house was not big, but it was still larger than any most other houses in the village.

It had 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a storage room and a living room in the center.

We sat down in the living room and started our talk.

"Then, first let's start with introductions, my name is Silver, I'm the village chief's son."

"Nice to meet you Silver, my name"

What is my name?

No kidding, really, what is my name?

Damn! How can I forgot my own name!?





Damn, whatever, let's just use a new one!

I look around and answer:

"You can call me Plate."

What the heck is plate!?

Why did I say plate!?

Hey 'Plate', can't you think of a better name!?

"..hmm, sure, then Mr. Plate, what can we do for you?"

"Well, it's like this, yesterday your hunters invaded my home and shot arrows on my subordinate and me."

The young man started turning pale.

"So, I shot a fireball on them and ended up killing one of them and hurting the others..."

The young man was white as a sheet.

"So I came today to get things straight and-"



The young man had collapsed after fainting.

Damn my luck! Can't you at least hear me out before fainting? Now, all that I need is someone barging in the house and...

"Brother! I brought you some-- KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

...and screaming just like this...

Perfect! T_T