The East Forest Lord meets the Village Chief

I wonder who was it that told me this dream of being a Region Lord.

I have already forgot his first name, but the fact that he was a damn liar, this I won't ever forget!

He sold me this dream saying I would have all time in the world to do whatever I wished while being attended by a dozen young maidens and be able to throw all the troublesome matters to my butler.

Ha! Then why the hell am I having to wake up 5 a.m. in the morning and only finish my job at 11 p.m. ? Why are the only maidens working in my whole castle the two who came to deliver us fresh bread and left after that? Why am I more worried about money now than when I had nothing under my name?

Fuck you King Wallace!

I promise to make you pay for this "promotion" in a way you will never forget!

I will put a curse in you so strong that not only your hair will go bald, even eyebrows will fall along that beard you love so much.

Let's see how your smile will look when your head is all clean and shinny!


Having finished lunch, my butler comes to me and announce there are guests waiting.

"My Lord. Two citizens of your territory request an audience."

I looked at the papers on the table, a pile so big it had to be divided in two so that it didn't fall to the ground.

As if I didn't have enough problems already...


"Let them in..."

"Yes, my Lord."

A minute or two after answering my command, as I finish signing one more paper in my office, two dirty peasants entered my room. Both were men, one had a clean face with no beard nor mustache, his clothes were a mess, even worse then the beggars in the street and he had a pretty hat that makes me wonder if it's stolen. The other had a small mustache on his face, his body was quite muscular, probably winning against most guards in this place and if not for the color of his hair being white, I would doubt he was an old man.

The one with the hat took it out as he bowed in greetings to me.

"Good day, my Lord. I am the Village Chief of Atlas Village, located East of the Otron lake. My name is.... is... Hey old Martins, what's my name again?"

"Chief, how can you forget your own name? Are you an idiot!?"

"You are the idiots! That's exactly the reason why! You guys have been calling me Chief for ages. I don't remember the last time someone called me my name!"

While the two traded insults I used the time to recover myself from the fright I had just received.

As this "Chief" took out his hat, it was possible to see that his whole head was perfectly clean and shinny, without a single strand of hair.

Oh no! Did my curse reflected in some of the King's charms and hit by mistake this poor fellow before me!?

Calm down! Calm down! As long as he doesn't know it's me he can't say anything. Let's just act as if we have no idea and he won't suspect anything! Later we can just dissolve the curse and everything will end well...

I look at the two and notice they have already finish their presentation.

Damn, I didn't get their names...

"Well, sirs, how can I help you?"

"The story started 40 years ago..."




"And we never saw the monk again."

"Great story, but you still didn't answer my question..."

"Calm down, calm down! Young ones are always so hasty. I am almost there..."


Maybe I should just leave him bald...

"So, where was I? Oh yeah! A few months ago a bunch of adventurers..."




"And the hunter's son discovered that..."




"So my wife said..."




"And that's why we need your help!"

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z...

"My Lord? Hello?"

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z...!?

And suddenly I was waken up by my butler who kicks my feet making me almost fall down.

"Hu!? Wha!? Oh...Thanks Sebastian..."

"My name is Igor, my Lord."

"Anyway, summarize to me what they want."

"They want you to lend them some troops."

"I see, thanks!"

I take a piece of paper and write an order for the commander to select 5 squads and eliminate the threats that are threatening the village.

Adding my signature and seal, done!

"Here you go. Take this to the Fortress commander and he should lend you some soldiers to fight back whatever is threatening you."

Speechless, the two peasants take the order, bow down and remove themselves.

Great guests, this was just the break I needed! Now, let's go back to work...




Later, that night, I was searching for some book to read in the library before going to bed.

"Rubies and Python" Sounds boring...

"Advanced Algebra." Didn't I burn this book!?

"How babies are born." Why is this here?

"Dungeon Notes" This will do for now...

Let's see what this is all about...

Oh, it seems like these are research notes about Dungeons...

Let's see, let's see...




So Dungeons are categorized in three types:

-Type one, the Chaos Army. The Dungeon Lord is usually a Demon or a Demonic Beast. Not only it's aggressive to those who enter, but it will also send periodically monsters outside to kill and bring back copses to increase it's Miasma reserves

-Type two, the Nest. The Dungeon Lord is usually a Magical Beast. It's the most common type of dungeon. It acts as a nest, producing an infinite number of creatures, who work to expand the nest and make more and more creatures. It doesn't send creatures out but will devour any who come in.

-Type three, the Sacred Ground. The Dungeon Lord is usually one of the Ancient Tribes. Because the Dungeon Lord can be reasoned with it's possible to make extremely lucrative deals that help both parties. All Kingdoms who allied themselves with Sacred Grounds experienced a great bloom during this period, rising them by a whole level. Unfortunately all Sacred Grounds seem to disappear after a few hundred years, leaving only their records and legends.

Damn, if only I could find a Sacred Ground all my money problems would be solved... T_T