The Dungeon Lord makes a Chicken house!

After thinking for some time I decided to make the chicken house right next to the storage.

While I had experience rising a pet dog, rising chickens was a complete new experience to me, so it was quite hard to decide in the format of the house.

In moments like this, maybe I should ask for help?

Then I remembered the long way to the village...

It would take 2 hours to go, 2 hours to came back, and then it would already be night time...

You know what, let's try it once. If it doesn't work we can always ask later.

It was already mid afternoon and no matter how strong I am, I don't feel comfortable walking in the forest at night.

Arriving in the warehouse, I started making a room to the north of it

Dig, dig, dig, dig...


But this is a bit too dark...

So I added some big windows leading to the farming camp, so that The Sun's light could illuminate the chicken's room.

Now, with a big room made, I started to create the house for the chickens.

The first step was creating a huge block of stone on the same size of the house I wished to make, then I slowly sculpted the house's shape using my hands covered in Mana, finally I added a few finishing touches like empty slots in a row where I planned to add the nests for the chickens and some small windows to help circulate the air and add some light.


I looked right, left, everything seemed perfect.

Nice job to me!


Now, how do I get out of here???

Unfortunately I had closed the door while working inside the house and somehow the door got stuck and didn't let me open it anymore.

I tried forcing it for a bit and .... nothing T_T

If I put anymore strength it will break...




Yup, no other option but to break it.


Covering my finger with mana I made a cut on the door and finally was able to get out.

Well, luckily it was me. I can't imagine what would happen if it was someone wait, I can.

He or she would probably try to pass the chicken's entrance and get stuck, then they would stay there for a long long time screaming for help until someone appear, meanwhile the chickens inside would... OK, that's enough imagining for now... ;p

With the chicken house done, all I needed was add the chicks to it, so back to the Dungeon Core!

I left the chicken house, passed the warehouse, walked though the farming camp and headed south where the stairs were located.

As I reached the stairs, a simple teleport command took me back to the Dungeon Core.

There I saw the ten skeletons waiting for me, the eggs still in the same place and...


Damn! I should have put them in a box or something!

It was completely irresponsible of me to leave them here like this...

Hmm, well, it's not like there is any danger here, so it shouldn't be a problem as long as we don't take too long to find them...

Oh! I got an idea! Since he is doing nothing, let's put him to work. ^_^

With a plan in mind I went back to the warehouse where Ryuk was sleeping.

Looking at the mess he made, I can't help but get a little angry, so I pounce his head.


Ruyk wakes up confused but answers as soon as he sees me.

"Ruyk, look around you, do you have anything to say?"

Ruyk looks around clueless, then after a few seconds he sees a crystal lamp and gives it to me as if making an offering.

"For the Master!"

I take the lamp and put it in the Storage as it may be useful later, then look back at him.

"That's not what I meant. Try again!"

Ruyk starts looking around again, and starts to tremble. It seems he is pretty anxious.

Damn, if you are going to act like this, don't make such pranks from the start!

Ruyk starts talking in a low voice...

"Turpins are yummy!"

I pound his head again to make sure he remembers this time.

"I told you to not eat them all!!!"

The goblin looks surprised.

Yup, sure enough he forgot...

Ruyk grabs all pieces of Turpin left on the ground and presents them to me.

"For the Master!"

What the hell do you expect me to do with this trash!?


"Forget it. Maybe I was expecting too much..."

Well, now that he is awake, he should start working. I don't have mana for the lazy ones here! Those who don't work, don't eat! Since he ate all that food, it's time for him to pay up!

"Ruyk! Came here!"

I start walking toward the chicken's house, while hearing Ruyk's answer coming from behind me.

"Yes, Master!!!"

"Look. This room is a room made to breed chickens. Earlier I summoned 2 chicks to the Dungeon and left them near the Dungeon Core, but they ran away. Your task is to capture those two chicks and bring them back here, then lock them inside this room. Understood?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Then, what do you need to do?"

"Hunt the chicks and throw them in this room."

"No! No! It's capture, not a hunt! You can't hurt them, do you understand?"

Ruyk nods his head again and again.

"Good. Go ahead take care of this, if you do it right I will give you one turpin."


"Yeah, now go!"

"For the Turpin!!!"

Ruyk runs out of the room.

Why do I feel like this was a bad idea?

Anyway, let's go now take care of those skeletons lancers.