The Dungeon Lord receives even more uninvited guests...

My head was getting dizzy not only from turning right and left all the time as the two kept complementing each other's phrases but also due to the content hidden inside them.

It seemed like a huge attack of orcs happened on the kingdom just on the other side of the mountain and considering the distance, there is plenty of chance they will attack us too.

With their numbers being in the thousands, there is no way we can defend against them, so the correct choice would be running away now while we got time. But, no matter where I go, my life is linked to this dungeon! In the event anything happen to it's core, I won't even know why I died, so I can't just leave like that.

Maybe I can just close the entrance and wait the danger to pass?

No, but, how long would that take?

It could take months, years, or even decades for these orcs to be dealt with. And without some means of communication, there would be no way to know how the situation is progressing...

Damn! For now I can only pray they stay at the other side of the mountain, while I try my best to upgrade the dungeon over here.

As I was thinking about how to deal with the problem, suddenly the skeleton lancer approaches me again.


It nods its head in agreement.

Sigh... let's just pray it's more elves...

"Eh!? Skeleton!?"

"Plate is a necromancer!?"

"No, it's a bit different, anyway, it seems like we got more company, here are your weapons, be ready just in case you need it, let's pray it's your friend rather than your enemies..."

Saying so I took out their weapons which I had stored in the Storage for precaution before.

"Wow! Space Magic!? What kind of profession do you have!?"

"So cool! Can you teach me how to do that later?"

"Hmm... I don't think that would be possible as the requirement is quite strict, anyway, follow me."

Taking out my war hammer, I ran toward the entrance.

Arriving at the entrance we saw my three skeleton lancers in pieces.

Whatever fought them was really strong.

Then, from our right side, we heard some metal sounds.

"Damn! I Forgot to close the secret chambers entrances!"

My grip on my war hammer got tighter as I thought of the possibility that the enemy got his hands on some cursed weapon.

Although cursed weapons are cursed, they are by no means ordinary, the stronger the curse, the stronger the weapon. Some cursed weapons are so strong that they are comparable to the legendary weapons used by the Heroes.

But of course the price to wield them is by no means small, sucking the life force of the wielder and transforming them into mindless killing machines.

And if I'm not wrong, there should be at least one of those weapons mixed in there...

I hurry my steps toward the sacrifice chamber when I suddenly hear a shout.


Well, it seems like out all weapons, he didn't get the worst...


Arriving in front of the Treasures Chamber, I see a two and half meters high orc making a mess as he looked for "Gustav". Hearing our steps, he turns our way and say.


Gustav, Gustav, Gustav.... Why does this name sounds familiar?

Seeing the enemy was not someone I could fight in a tight space, I turned around and shouted.

"Run! Back to the large hall!"

The two who were right after me took action fast and sprinted out on a speed surprisingly fast.

I started running as fast as I could, praying the orc wouldn't throw anything on me.


Luckily the cursed shield on his hand took out his ability to make sane reactions, so all he did was scream and chase after me.

Arriving back at the large hall, the two elves took some distance and waited for me. I came running and right behind me was the orc.

They aimed their bows and shot as soon as they saw the orc.

The arrows passed centimeters from me, arriving right at the orc's face.

The orc's reaction was scarily fast as he used the shield to defend the arrows.

Blin, Blin.

The two arrows were deflected by the shield as if they were just sticks, not even leaving a mark.

The orc charged at me even faster than before.

Feeling his approach I made a quick decision and jumped to the side.

Because he was covering his face with the shield, he didn't see me jump and continued heading straight until he finally hit the wall.


The impact made a cloud of dust rise like a smoke screen.

"Keep shooting!"

Shoot! Shoot!

Another pair of arrows was shot right where the orc was.


A scream of pain was let out by the orc.

Meanwhile I ran toward it and I swung my war hammer like a baseball bat aiming for the middle of it's back.



The orc had sidestepped at the last moment, making me hit his ribs instead.

The ribs seem to have been broken, making a bloody mess, but the orc was still alive and tried to grab me.

The ribs wound had made him slow down, so I easily dodged his grab, swinging again my war hammer at him.

He used the shield again, but due to the strength behind my swing and his lack of strength due to his wound, he lost his balance and fell against the wall.

I swung my war hammer again, this time horizontally, and hit his shield, making it fly away.

Confused due to recovering his conscience after having lost the shield and all the pain from his broken ribs, the last thing the orc saw was my hammer yet again smashing right on his face.


I ignored the bloody mess of the corpse and searched it for anything useful.

As expected of an orc, it had nothing but it's weapon and clothes...

After considering the state of the clothes I gave up on them, as for the weapon, it seems like it was left in the treasure room mixed with all cursed weapons in there... so I gave up as well.

What now? Take off his teeth as prove of the deed? Well, there are no adventurer guilds here so it would be useless...

As I was deciding what to do, one of the twins suddenly called for me.

"Hey, Plate!"

I turned my head to her and asked.


And it was her sister who answered.

"More incoming!"

Great! Who the hell organized the party in my home and forgot to invite me!?

It seems like this will be a long night...