The Dungeon Lord is a Dungeon Lord!

Hmm?? What is going on with these three??

"What's up, you three? It can't be that you never saw magic before, right?"

"No, that's not it..."

"The orc's corpse..."

"Is disappearing!!!"

Do they train to synchronize their speeches like this??

Well, of course it is disappearing, this is inside a dungeon, dead bodies must be recycled!

"Yeah, so what?"

"How can you be so calm!? Corpses shouldn't disappear like that!"

"Why not?"

"Because...? What are you asking is just nonsense! Corpses just don't disappear like that unless you are inside a dungeon!"

Did they finally discovered?

"That's right."

"Wait!? You mean..."

"We are inside a Dungeon!?"

Their reaction was so cute I couldn't help but tease them.

"Ding Ding Ding! And we got a winner! Congratulations! You finally guessed the obvious!"

And they got angry...

"What do you mean by obvious!? There is no way this place can be a Dungeon!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's not full of monsters and traps! Dungeons are dangerous places where taking a single wrong step will end your life!"

"Maybe the others, but not mine. In this floor I only put a few skeleton lancers and my farm. I had a few dangerous traps but they all got destroyed by an intruder not too long ago..."

"You talk as if the dungeon is yours!"

If it wasn't mine, whose it would be? Yours?

That's what I wanted to say, but I thought it would be too much of a bully so I just assured them.

"As I said, it is. Why do you think I can build walls in seconds just like that?"

"Advanced Magic??"

"No, all those magics require a magical circle or a medium to activate, a beginner like me has no way to do something like that."

"Well yeah... Hey, wait! That explains the skeletons and why you got no death aura of a necromancer!"

"So that means you are... hmm... what was it called again... "

Oh, so they are finally starting to trust me!

"Dungeon Lord?"

"Yeah! That's it! You are the Dungeon Lord!?"

"Yes, that's me."

"But aren't those supposed to be really strong?"

"Well, sorry for being weak..."

"No, sorry, I don't mean you are weak, but you are nowhere as strong as I imagine a Dungeon Lord was."

Sigh... it seems like I just destroyed her dream ;p

Well, what excuse can I give...?

"I should get stronger as time pass and the dungeon grows..."

"Hey! Don't make excuses! What you need is training!"

Damn! She is sharp!

"Well, I won't disagree..."

"Great! So marry us and your problems will be solved!"

Wait, you just lost me there... What does one thing has to do with the other?

And why are they always jumping to marriage? Are they desperate or something???

"No, thanks. And how is marring you going to solve my problems!?"

"Well, Lil can train you in martial arts, and I can train in the b-ouch what are you doing Lil!?"

"No, I'll be the one who-"

Nice pound Lil, but it would be even greater if you had just stopped her instead of trying to steal her job....Well, it's not like I'm accepting it.

"It doesn't matter because I'm not marrying you two."

"So you are marrying just one? Well, as long as it's me, I have no problem..."

Tally just doesn't give up... T_T

"Let me rephrase, I'm not marrying either of you!"

""The Princess is OFF LIMITS!!!""

Why did you jump to that!?

"No, I'm not marrying her as well."

"Oh, so you are the type that uses them and throw them away..."

"I'm disappointed in you, Plate."

Stop with the fake crying, your acting is horrible!

"What!? I....sigh.... think whatever you want, I'm going to sleep."

I give up! I can't keep up with those two, let's just ignore them and go to bed...

I turned around and jumped of the wall platform, leaving toward the Dungeon Core.

""Hey, wait for us!""

The twins jumped off right behind me.

"Heeeeeey! Don't go!!! At least open the door!!! Let us in!!!"

Geo's voice echoed in the other side of the wall, unfortunately for him, I didn't hear it at all... ;p