The Dungeon Lord grows a horn.

This day I woke up like any other day and took a look at the Dungeon Core.

[Available Mana: 2015u]


What!? I thought I wasted all my Mana on that last Thunder Wolf...

Did I gain some lottery while I was sleeping or people turned crazy and decided to sacrifice their lives?

There is no lottery here, so it's best to check if everybody is all right.

"Teleport! First Floor!"

Arriving at the first floor I hurried my steps to the Farming Camp where I noticed the fields were overflowing with ripened crops and vitality and...

"Nothing odd here."

Then I headed to the Princess room, almost bumping into a Mad Dog who laid sleeping in front of her door.



Considering she is here, there should be no problem.

But just because she is trying to stop me from entering, it makes me want to enter even more!

"You wants to stop me?? Hahahaha! Then you will have to try a lot harder!"

Ignoring the snoring dog, I made a new temporary door on her side and entered the room.

Inside the room, I took a moment to taste my victory appreciating Alice's sleeping figure.

"...Her cuteness is overflowing, makes me want to bully her a bit..."

After petting her head and fixing her cover, I exited the room, sealing the temporary door.

I looked at the Mad Dog and laughed. Victory was mine yet again!

Well, no problems here... so what else could be?

Did the elves and humans started to kill each other?

I looked around the Elves Refugees and everything seemed normal.

Then I took a look at the Human's side and everything was OK as well.

Hmm.... I'm running out of ideas...

Let's check if there is anything in the entrance...


And the answer was, nothing.

Not even the skeletons I added as Guards were there...

Sigh... Where did they go?

"Teleport, Dungeon Core!"

Back in the dungeon core, I took a look at the map through the building mode's radar function.

"I should have done this from the start! Now, let's see... What are they doing!?"

I found the three missing skeletons chasing after Muddy all around the second floor.


"Well, whatever! Let's just check the first floor."

Changing the map to the first floor, I noticed the Poison Gas corridor at the entrance was full of armors and weapons.

"Oh.... so someone tried to invade while we were sleeping..."

I took a look at the items labels and most of them had "Orc" in their name, like "Orc's Plate Armor" and "Orc's Ax".

"Good, they were Orcs. By the number of items left, this was by no means a small scout group..."

"Well, for now let's just be happy that our traps worked well."

That makes me remember, I wonder how much I still need for the next Expansion...



[This is the list of requirements for the next expansion:]


-Defense Force expansion (5/5)

-Task Force expansion (1/1)

-Traps installed (5/5)

-Conversion of Miasma (10000/10000)

-Floor Expansion (2/2)

-Rank D Monster Core (3/3)


[All requirements have been fulfilled!]

[Do you want to expand the Dungeon now?]

All right! It's finally complete!

Any reason to not do it?....None!

Then let's do it!



[Expansion program initiated!]

[Upgrading Dungeon Core...]

A sudden light flashed out of the Core illuminating all the room making me blind.

[Expanding radius of influence...]

[Adding new options...]


As the process was complete, my vision recovered.


This sudden flash gave me a scare, I thought for a second the core exploded.

Great. Now, let's see what's new.





[Rank D Expansion Report]

-Dungeon Influence Radius upgraded to 50km

-2 Dungeon Floors were added.

-Dungeon Avatar Upgraded: Attributes rose up, new Skill unlocked, Mana consumption risen. Details in Avatar Status page.

-Summon Authority Upgraded: Summons restricted by Rank D Authority are now unlocked.

-Summon Authority Upgraded: New function available, keyword "Sell". Trade's owned creature with Trade Center for resources. Because of low Authority the number of sales is restricted to 10 per month.

-Building/Modifying Facilities Unlocked: New function available, keyword "Facility". Allows the Avatar to build Special Facilities that can improve the Dungeon performance or add special effects to one or more Floors.

-Teleport Authority Upgraded: Allows user to mark 8 areas and teleport from marked locations to marked locations. Current marked locations: Dungeon Core, 1st Floor Stairs, Entrance.

-Teleport Authority Upgraded: Allows user to teleport an object alone to one of the marked locations, keyword "Deliver".

-Status window upgrade: Remote access available.

-Dungeon Entrance available. Waiting destiny coordinates.

-Error, Entrance already set.

-Expansion Complete.

-Expansion Report was made available.


Sigh...well that's a lot of new information...

Let's take a break.

The tomatoes were ready to be harvested, maybe they would make a good snack...

As I assimilated all new info I teleported to the first floor and reached the fields again.

I approached the tomato plants and reached out my hand toward one of the red, juicy fruits in front of me I heard steps approaching from behind.

"Hey Plate!"

It was Bia, but I didn't allow her greetings stop me and bit the tomato that was now in my hand, returning the greeting only after I had swallowed the piece.

"Good Morning."

"Good Morning! Plate, how can you tell the time in this place? It feels like it's always day because of your Sun artifact."

"I had the same problem in the beginning, lucky the dungeon core can tell me now the date and time."

"Nice but that doesn't solve our problem..."

"Sorry but I also out of idea on what to do. I already looked through what I can summon and no need to talk about clocks, I can't even summon hourglasses."

"Hmm... How about making a bell and ordering your skeletons to ring it every hour?"

"I don't know if it will work but, well, I could try..."

"Thanks! And what's up with your forehead?"

"My forehead?"

"Yeah! Did your wife cheat on you or is it a new fashion?"

Not understanding what she was talking about, I touched my forehead just to find out that a little horn had grown.

"What the hell!? Where did this horn came from!?"