
It was a sunny summer and the sky is as clear as a crystal that it gives some peaceful and calm feeling to the person who is watching it.

In the Gonzales Mansion, it was very opposite to how calm the sky is, it was very very lively, the servants were literally running around the house, as they were cleaning every inch and every space of the house making sure not a speck of dust must be seen or touch. For today, it is a very important day for the Gonzales Family. They will now introduce to their one and only daughter, Ayesha, her soon-to-be husband. The young man's family will arrive in the evening so they still have the whole morning and afternoon to prepare for a small party that will only be composed of the Gonzales and Salvador Family.

"I'm so excited to meet our son-in-law." Mrs. Gonzales exclaimed while she is personally arranging the flowers. "It has been so long since we saw that child. I bet he has grown to be a fine young man now" she added.

"Since that incident happened we never saw him come to our place, Ayesha also doesn't remember him." Mr. Gonzales said in a sad voice "It has been eight years yet the two of them were still stuck with him. I too miss him so much but we can't do anything about what happened but we are still trying our best to know who their kidnappers are." He added.

Mrs. Gonzales pinched Mr. Gonzales's side, "Ay yah you old man stop making the lively room gloomy. Let's just talk about our future grandchildren." Mrs. Gonzales suggested.

Then the two elders were chatting happily in the living room.

On the other hand, their daughter, Ayesha was planning on escaping this so-called arrange marriage which is somehow a tradition for some elite family. She wanted to break and go against that tradition because she believes that she must only marry the man he loves.

"Should I tell my parents that I have already found a boyfriend?" she thought to herself because her parents have told her that once she didn't find herself a boyfriend at the age of nineteen, they would introduce her fiance when the perfect time comes and that perfect time is today. Ayesha has been listing all the possible reasons she could think of just to break the marriage alliance.

While she was thinking about what to do just to break the marriage alliance and the Elder Gonzales Couple was busy arranging the small party. In the soon-to-be groom's family was in chaos for the young man is nowhere to be found.

"How could your son do this to us? He already knew that today is the day where he would meet his fiance." the young man's father angrily said. The young man's mother is also angry and at the same time worried. They didn't know where to find their son who was just hiding in one of his private houses.

He knew who is his soon-to-be wife. He was actually delighted by the fact that the girl he loves will be his fiance but at the same time he is afraid because of the reason that he will be her English Professor and homeroom teacher. And it is a big no-no for a teacher to have a relationship with one of his students. And he also doesn't want to tarnish the girl's reputation in school. Well yes maybe some people will understand but there are still some people who are really close-minded and they prefer judging people without understanding the situation properly. And he also wanted to give some freedom for the girl while they still haven't met each other in person. While thinking about the situation, he felt his head and eyes aching. So he decided to close his eyes and just take a nap, he was also tired and exhausted from a four hours drive from his parent's house to his private place.


Gonzales Mansion

The Salvador Family had been apologizing to the Gonzales Family as soon as they arrived at the Mansion

"We are very sorry, our son went missing this morning. I should have tied him on his bed of I have known that he would do this to us." Mrs. Salvador told Mrs. and Mr. Gonzales

"It is okay, we understand him. Maybe he just needed some time to think about this marriage." Mrs. Gonzales said as she taps Mrs. Salvador's shoulder.

"There is still plenty of time for both our children to meet each other," Mr. Gonzales said

"Let us just eat some dinner, we have prepared so many dishes." Mrs. Gonzales guided the Salvador Couple to the kitchen.

Ayesha was really happy about what she had heard from Mrs. Salvador. She was really grateful and thankful for what the man did. She didn't want to meet him yet. She still has so many things to do and achieve before engaging herself in the married life. She should enjoy herself of being free because while she was planning her "How to break the Marriage Alliance" she realized that she really couldn't break it because it was a marriage alliance done by her Grandpa and the young man's Grandma. Even though she is doted by her Grandpa she still knew that her Grandpa's mind won't change once she would bring this topic to him. As long as her Grandpa lives no one could defy his orders because he is still the leader of the Gonzales Household.