
Ayesha was looking at her journal. "The days had passed by so fast and today is already Friday." she thought to herself. She then started scribbling and writing in her journal. This is one of her past times when she is bored or she has nothing to do. She would do some sketches and she would write one her journal. She initially wanted to take a Fashion Designing as her college course but then she realizes that she needs to take the place of her father's position as the CEO of their company so she just chooses to take a Business Course and set aside her dreams. She can always study again since she is still nineteen and she is already in her last year of college.

"Senior Ayesha!" someone said in front of Ayesha and interrupted her from what her sketching.

Ayesha looked up and saw a guy who she guesses is a Second Year student.

"Yes? How may I help you? she politely asked the student in front of her and stopped what she was doing.

"I have been admiring you since I was a first-year student. When I saw you standing in front of the school gate, waiting for your friend, my heart skipped a beat. I know that I'm not your type but please accept my admiration to you." The guy confesses as he hands a love letter and then he bowed and hurriedly left.

Ayesha looks at the love letter and she sighed. This is already her 60th love letter and she heard her 50th confession. Since the opening of the new school year, for these past few days she already received so many confessions and love letters from her junior schoolmates and some of her classmates. She really doesn't care if these students would call her "The Campus belle or the School's Goddess" because she really doesn't give some attention to it. She knew that there are still students who look beautiful than her. She again looked at the letter and keep it in her bag, she will place it in the box under her bed where she kept all the love letters that she had received when she was still a high school student.

Sabrina saw the whole scene and was utterly jealous by how popular Ayesha is without even exerting any effort. She has already made so much effort for the students to appreciate her and also look at her but her efforts were still not enough to beat Ayesha. Sabrina and Ayesha have a big difference, Ayesha doesn't need any attention because the attention of her love ones are already enough for her even if her crush doesn't give her attention she is still ok with it. And she also doesn't care about whether she is popular or not but Sabrina is somewhat a bratty and an attention seeker.

"Senior Ayesha please take this love letter" one guy said and he rushed out from the classroom.

"Senior Ayesha we love so much so please accept this box of handmade chocolate." two girls were handing her a box. Ayesha accepted it and she politely thanked them.

Many students have followed after seeing those four students confessing and giving their love letters. Even girls gave their confession to her.

"It is not yet valentines day and it has only been four days since the new school year started. So why were these students giving me love letters and saying their confessions?" Ayesha just let out a heavy sigh as she thought of how these students waste their time in making love letters for her. She is grateful for their love but she just wanted them to spend their time with their family or friends.


Ayesha's day was full of love letters and confession. After her last period, Aria asked her out to eat something in the restaurant near their school.

"Yesha can we eat something in my favorite restaurant." asked Aria.

"Aria I can't come with you, I have something to do. I'm so sorry." Ayesha said. Then she bid farewell to Aria before she made her way in the opposite direction.

"Calvin, I have been in love with you since we were still in the first year." Ayesha actually froze as she heard the familiar voice of the woman and the familiar name of the man. She hid in a corner where she can perfectly hear their conversation. She knew that eavesdropping is bad but she can't help herself. Well it is the Vice President of the S.S.C and the President which is at the same time her crush.

"I wanted to be your girlfriend for a very long time. I hope you would accept my confession." the girl added. Calvin looked at her with so much disappointment.

"I'm sorry but I still can't engage myself into some sort of relationship." Calvin said in a cold voice and left the girl all alone.

Ayesha was so shocked. Because first of all she didn't expect to hear a confession and second, his long time crush just turned down the vice president's confession.

Ayesha went home directly, she even forgot to buy some ingredients for her chocolate cake. Because tomorrow will be Aria's birthday and she wanted to make a birthday cake for her best friend.

As soon as Ayesha arrive at their house, she went straight to her room and sat at her bedroom for a couple of minutes, still processing the scene she just witnessed earlier.

"Was he always that cold?" Ayesha wondered when she remembered how cold Calvin's attitude towards the Vice-President. Because Ayesha was thinking so much, she didn't even realize that her mother came in and is telling her something, she just nods when her mother would ask her if she is listening.

"Don't forget that you should be presentable tomorrow." Her mother said before going out of her room.