"Ugh..." I felt nauseous and delirious as I woke up. There was a noise constantly pestering me as I struggled to open my eyes, thus I couldn't help but yell, "What... what, what, what, WHAT?!?!" The noise rose in pitch, threatening to split my ears, so my grumpiness rose with it… I cursed at the top of my lungs, "FUCK OFF!" and swiped at the area to my left half-way believing that the cause of the noise was my alarm clock.
The source of my grievance promptly stopped even though my hands didn't register picking up the alarm clock, so I was left mildly curious as to what was happening. As my vision started to straighten out, I recalled the last vestiges of my encounter with the demon God and realized the peculiarity of my circumstances.
As my senses came together, I found myself lying down in a corridor of fleeting prismatic lights. When I lifted myself to a sitting position, I found a violet-robed beauty staring at me mere inches away. Before I could even question her as to who she was or why I was… wherever I am located, the violet-robed girl practically tackled me and latched on to my body like a constricting snake.
She cried into my chest, tearfully yelling, "Wuu!!! I thought you would leave me! Master, you can't do this to me before we even begin our journey!" It was almost cartoonish the number of tears she cried onto my chest, and as I looked down to get a closer look at her, I noticed that I was currently… naked.
"..." Slowly, the awkwardness of this situation was twisting my annoyance into malice as this kind of situation was not something I'd ever imagine myself in. This powerless feeling I'm sinking in… Doing my best to control the hate my body leaked, I said, "Get off of me..."
"Master?" The violet-robed beauty looked at me with worry in her eyes. I assured myself that she would distance herself as one of my biggest faults was not being able to hide my emotions. But contrary to the expected norm, she just followed my command and kept looking at me; the care and concern in her eyes were as evident as my displeasure.
"Why do you keep calling me that. I'm nobody's master..."
The violet-robed girl gasped as the concerned look on her face shattered into an unbearably bleak sadness. The girl looked faced away from me as she stuttered, "You don't… want me?" She started sobbing like a toddler as a heartbroken visage replaced the previous one of concern.
"Want? I don't even know who you are?!" This… if I was back on earth, I'd have long since ditched this unbecoming situation I found myself in. But, since this was already confirmed to be some sort of divine event, I just had to stick through with it to the very end.
The foreign girl wouldn't stop her crying even as she said, "I… I'm your lifelong partner! I even stopped the path set out for you to wait for your opinion on how best to proceed."
"Huh?" Lifelong partner? Didn't I die? I hadn't even reincarnated, or transmigrated, or whatever, and a stranger claimed me as a partner for life? Very confused, I said "Look, I don't know you, so how about we start with how we met? Surely I wouldn't have forgotten how my lifelong partner and I met, right?"
"How we met?" The girl froze for just a moment before the crying and heartbroken look on her face melted into something akin to pure joy. With eyes glittering like the stars, the girl looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Well, I was in the process of Sublime Genesis when a Voidseeker found my creation grounds in hyperspace. As soon as my formation concluded he tried capturing me, so I started running away on instinct. I fled for several weeks, until I came upon your little world and found the calling of your soul. You were… perfect! So, I said to hell with running away, I would rather fuse with my beloved and tackle the world together with you before letting myself be captured by some stupid high-level deity."
"..." After the girl finished her little speech, I stood looking at her in almost complete and utter disgust. What? This was the Goldfinger thing the demon God wanted? She's the reason I died and am now forced to get stronger? And her purpose for choosing me was… selfishness? If I didn't already know what would await me should I fail to keep powering up, I'd feel like suicide was worth a shot. But, death would only lead me back to the demon God and frankly, I was tired of being tortured.
So, it was with the best of my abilities that I tried to suppress my near uncontainable despise. With eyes that threatened to split from the seething rage held back from within, I asked, "So… what about me attracted you? I mean you describe me as perfect and said my soul called out to you, but I was just a regular human before… everything happened."
As if she couldn't tell that my impression of her couldn't be any lower, the purple-robed girl happily said, "Your character! It's just so perfectly attuned for me that I still can't believe it. I just know that with my powers it won't take long for us to rule the Verse."
"Rule… the Verse? If you're what I think you are, then shouldn't you know that I'm already bound to the demon god or Voidseeker? Before I rule anything, he'll just capture me and take you away, so what's the point?"
With a laugh reminiscent of a tinkling bell, the girl said, "That idiot doesn't know one one-billionth of my true power. Imagine, right now you haven't even done anything to gather potential for me and already I can stop his actions and freeze this teleportation sequence. What do you think we can do after you start the path he laid out for you?"