The Prince Raging Flames


As soon as the three big Furies of different kinds showed up, they set the open ground in rivers of fire. Shen Wei gave his purple flames an extra burst of magic, just to make sure it will hold against three strong fires at the same time, then Yunlan summon a huge wave of water, to try extinguish it, which worked only partially, because the heat of the flames evaporate half his wave before reaching it. Then he tried thick layers of ice, but they melted almost immediately. In a way, they were facing hell and his ice wasn't cold enough to freeze everything around.

One beast jumped over their shield to try to tear it apart, but the flames grow in size and heat, throwing it away. Da Qing let Zhu on the ground, feeling a bit dizzy by his spirit adventure and the heat of the flames, but still, he try to trap the Furies in an Earth cage, but failed. The things were fast and their claws strong enough to brake the prison.

"Ah, damn it!!! It's not working!!" Qing yelled in frustration. His earth magic was weaker than before as well, but he knew it was going to happen, yet, they were in a pinch, so even if his magic served as distraction he was going to keep up until he too fainted.

"This is going to be hard, I can't use my wind against them, it will only increase the heat!" Lin yelled.

"Throw your moonstone then!" Chu yelled and Lin search for it, at the same time Chu tried to trap one of the beasts, but their fire was too intense and his threads just burned. Guo's swords hit their mark, but they bounced back against the thick skins, made by black lava rocks.

Then he gathered his swords that shined as much as the moonstones in the night and make a wheel out of them as he put them together by the hilts, then pulling them high up a great distance to get the needed momentum, to finally send them down with great speed, as the sharp wheel rotate incrusting on the thick skin of another bigger Fury, making it angry with pain and coming to crash against Shen's shield head on.

The shield brighten tenfold in the night, while Shen Wei extended his hands to keep it strong rising the flames. However, the beast resisted and try to push harder, then another join and right after so did the last. The heat of the joined Furies outside their protection as well as the heat coming from Shen Wei, was overwhelming, so Zhao prepare himself to use his last resort, even if it meant to be drained to the point of exhaustion.

"Throw the stones now! All of them!" Zhao yelled, placing both his hands over Shen's shoulder and using ice magic to cool him down, as well as lower the temperature inside they purple dome, to a point he could see his breath.

"Wait, no!" Shen try to protest, knowing Yunlan will use his star magic, but he was too late, as the others did as they were told, throwing the shining stones to all three Furies at the same time.

The stones broke in contact with the hot creatures and the night became almost day with the blasting explosion, filled with strong wind and thunders striking aimlessly all around the open land, then transforming into a black void of twisted cosmic energy ravaging earth and stones alike in a dark cloud that mixes with the red orange of the Furies, that make the earth under them tremble and even part outside their protection. The entrance of the bats cave gave in, crushing on itself and the final shockwave, transformed the rocky land outside into a pile of rubbish.

It took a great deal of effort from both Shen Wei's flaming shield and Yunlan's control over the star magic released, sending it away from their secure hexagon and even Da Qing use what little magic he had left to strengthen the earth bellow them, so it would not fall apart, as he held Zhu closer in a protective way.

As the dust from the three blasting's settle in, they saw with great relief that at least two of the Furies, the one Guo manage to pierce and another one, taller than the other two, were completely destroyed. However, there was one, the smallest of the three, who had recoiled into a hard ball and roll away before the blasting begin, remaining barely touched.

"Damn it! There are not more stones left." Chu said, letting go of Guo, which he had come to held him right after throwing his stone. The act had been done instinctively and he wasn't the only one. Looking around, Da Qing was on the ground protecting Zhu with his body, Sang and Wang were holding each other and of course, Yunlan was hugging his lover for dear life. Only Lin and a few others healers stood alone.

"Yunlan!" Shen Wei yell, as he saw blood run down Zhao's nose, probably because he did contained the blasting outside his shield. He was about to clean it with his fingers, when the last Fury roared and spit fire over their purple dome. Lots of it, them go back to become a huge ball and crash against the barrier.

"What the hell? Why this one didn't fall too?" Zhao asked, with a weak tone of voice so unlike him. Shen Wei held him to support him, his inner fury escalating, as the thing keep spiting fire and crashing against the hexagon.

"Wang, come and take care of Yunlan, he needs healing. I will take care of this one myself." Shen said in a very serious tone.

"No, Shen Wei..." Yunlan begin to protest, but Shen silence him with a soft kiss, right after cleaning his blood with his fingers. Knowing he will worry, Wei smiled quite charmingly at him.

"You are in no condition now... don't worry, I will not sacrifice myself, just sit and watch... my raging flames." Shen said moving away to the border of one of the six points of his hexagon. The remaining Fury, came forward in defiance and look at the Fire Prince with its little red eyes, showing sharp fangs made of stone.

Shen held the gaze and breathed in and out very slowly, letting all the tension go out of his body, yet keeping his rage intact. The Fury try again to brake the barrier, clawing it right over Wei's spot, but that didn't bother the Prince one bit. Shen only closed his eyes in retaliation and summon a small flame, a blue one, on his open palm.

The Fury look at it as if it meant nothing and keep trying to break the shield, however, Shen Wei moved a leg back and extended both his hands forward, one grabbing the other with the small fire... and then, the rest of the group watched in awe, as a huge torrent of blue flames burst from Wei's palm, crossing the barrier and hitting the Fury right in the face, sending it away several meters away, in the now, uneven ground.

Then he ran out, ignoring Yunlan's desperate yell. He knew what he was doing, because he understood fire the best. It was part of him, his essence, his way of life and his pride and unlike the creature who was now trying to extinguish the blue flames in the earth, his mind was clear, not controlled by a stone power or a dark King.

The Fury was on its feet again, running to crush the little human, but as it try to jump on him, a very intense heat keep him from crushing him. It was like the purple barrier but made only by heat. In a way it was a one person barrier that was unbreakable. A denser heat that became a shield ten times stronger that the barrier he left behind and was invisible to the eye.

Then Shen summon two different flames, a dark blue in one hand and a yellow in the other and as he clapped his hands together, a strange cry came from the sky. The group look up, surprised to see a huge fire bird coming down, leaving traces of flames in the night sky.

"Is that...?" Da Qing try to ask, while holding the unconscious Zhu.

"A Phoenix. One of the protectors of this realm." Zhao whisper in bewilderment, as he watched the Phoenix go through the Fury setting it on fire that burned deep red, like molten lava. The Fury, like it did before, recoiled into a ball, to extinguish the fire. However, Shen was not done yet, his rage with the fire beasts for pushing Zhao to use star magic, was still unpunished. The blood of his lover, still visible in his fingers was enough to want to crush the Fury to dust and ashes as the ultimate punishment.

The Phoenix went back to the heavens with another cry and the Fury try to blast Shen Wei with black flames that encircle him, but summoning a silver fire, Shen throw it up and an silver dragon emerged from inside the flame, coming out from the very core of it and fly down, swallowing the black flames which were inextinguishable, leaving not a single trace behind, as if they were nothing, but mere nourishment for the impressive small silver dragon. Once finish, the beautiful dragon surround Shen Wei, like a serpent and looked at the remaining Fury as if wanted to eat it too.

At that, the Fury did back off, but too late to escape Shen Wei's ultimate rage and last flame. Shen Wei touched the head of his silver dragon, giving it his approval and a second after, the dragon open its mouth and spit a torrent of rainbow fire as hot as a sun and the Fury was consumed completely, burning to ashes, to finally disappear with the wind.

The silver dragon then swallow the remaining fires and moved to look at Wei. Shen bowed to him and the dragon accented, then fly back inside the floating small silver flame above his master head, extinguishing the flame as it disappear. Then the purple barrier was gone too, finally setting Yunlan free, to go and hug his lover, worry he will pass out at any time.

"For the gods Shen Wei... you are too reckless..." Zhao said as he held him tighter, making Shen Wei smile, even when he was exhausted.

"Like you can talk about being reckless... you use star magic... we are even." Wei whisper and Zhao smirked.

"Ah, yes... we are even..." Zhao repeated before kissing his reckless, yet awesome Prince as if there was no tomorrow.

The others watched the lovers in a heated kiss, without a single doubt that the two were the strongest of the Seven Clans. The Fire Prince politeness and kindness often was mistaken as a sing to be weaker than his father or ancestors, but now, as all the heirs watched the impressive display of Fire magic, they were actually glad the Prince had grown to be kind, because if he had love war, Shen Wei could had destroy most of the Clans all on his own and the same could be said for Yunlan too, because his star magic could actually destroy the world.

Ten minutes later, they were back inside the dimension of the goddess stone. It was decided they were safe right in that spot, with the entrance of the caves collapsed and the destruction of the land as a warning to any other Fury that may dare to approach. They needed to replenish their lost magic, Zhu needed to rest and recover, not to mention the two exhausted leaders, plus Qing. Back to the healing waters, in their private water bubble and pond, Zhao was once again struggling to undo all Shen's belts and ties, as he kiss him.

"Why is this so hard to remove...?" Zhao asked between kisses, as the greenish water restored their lost stamina. Shen smiled over Zhao's neck, as he had already cut another belt, to feel his Zhao's bare skin under his demanding hands.

"Your hands are shaking... maybe, that's why?" Shen whisper, gently biting the curve of his shoulder, which make Zhao moan.

"Ah, forget it!" Zhao said, throwing himself over Wei, both of them submerging in the water with the sudden movement. Zhao kiss Wei, exploring his tempting, glorious mouth, at the same time he breathed air to his longs. The water shined brighter over them and Zhao simply pull up Shen's top robe away from his lover.

They emerged back to the surface of the pond, sharing a heated kiss, as the warm water run down over their naked skin, in thin rivers. Shen couldn't help himself but to surrender himself to Zhao passion. He claw Yunlan's back out of pleasure as Zhao tasted his skin, tracing delicious paths over his chest, nipples, then further down his thorax, taking his time before going slower.

This time, Zhao had no problem undoing Shen's knot for his pants and dive under the water to have a taste of him. In the moment Shen Wei felt Yunlan's mouth and hot tongue over his hard arousal, he simply lose control and his inner fire spike up ten times with a moan of deep pleasure. The water instatly overheated, creating a cloud of steam, which make Yunlan go up and see Wei's handy work.

Zhao laughed, as he saw his Prince face hot red with both passion and embarrassment, then the water burst up like a geyser, as Shen was further embarrass under Yunlan's indecent gaze and approach, then falling down to cool him off. Yunlan hold on to Wei, laughing with his lover fire out of control.

"I'm sorry Yunlan... it was too good... I lose it." Shen apologize, hugging his lover back.

"Ah, my hot Prince, don't apologize. You will eventually get a hold of both your passion and fire." Zhao said, with humor, kissing him. After that, when Shen cool down again, they change clothes and lie down holding each other, to a much deserved rest and oblivion.

AN: Ah, this chapter make my brain go in overload. LOL. Hope you like it, I may had overdid it a bit and overkill the Furies. It was hard, but quite fun to write, so I hope you too enjoy it. Thanks for reading.