A True Fellowship


The next morning, the sun shined brightly in a clear sky, deprived of the usual and almost perpetual gray clouds that reign for generations over the dark lands. The brand new forest inside the previously snow valley was greenish and healthy, as it should normally anywhere else and the air fresh and pure, deprived of the heaviness of the tainted lands.

The rain had stopped a few hours ago and as they go out of their shelter, they saw grass in were the floor had been flooded with rainwater. It was such a magical occurrence that as they walked through the clean forest, it was like been guided to into another world. There was a clear path wide enough for them to walk in a single line, that leaded to the Volcano at the other side of the enchanted forest.

They walked in wonder for hours, glad they didn't have to fight their way to their last destination. The red stone was the source of all that poison and dark energy, so destroying it was not going to be easy even with the enhancement of their powers.

Midway to their destination, another cloud of fireflies showed up, flying around the forest like a protective shield from the goddess. Yunlan looked back at Shen Wei and smiled widely, seen him quite fascinated with the little glowing insects, that for some reason, despite the day light, they shined as brightly as if it was the darkest night. Many surrounded his Fire Prince, making Wei look like an exited child once again, even when he was a full grown man, one that he loved quite deeply.

"Hey, are we in some kind of danger? Wasn't that the reason this things showed up last time?" Chu asked as he shoo them away with his hand.

"There are not here to protect us this time, they will form another stone when we go out of the forest. The red stone is not unprotected, so just like we did yesterday, we need to get close to it and throw the goddess stone over it. Then the whole land will be clean up by the power of the gods and we can go back home. I have a wedding to plan..." Yunlan said, as Shen Wei blushed madly.

"Yunlan!" He protested.

"Ah, but you look so good in red, which is coincidently the color of your Clan." Yunlan merrily said.

"Aren't you going to abolish the Clans? Isn't that your ultimate goal, so you can marry your fated man?" Lin asked a bit bitterly and Yunlan looked back at him, quite seriously now.

"And what the hell does that matters to you? It's not like you are bringing home someone your Clan will not approve off." Chu cut in, before Yunlan could speak.

"I didn't ask you." Lin retorted back.

"Lin Jing... I care not about your prejudice, but please keep it to yourself. The Clans were establish for a purpose and will remain as they are mostly, to keep the people safe and give stability to the lands. At the beginning, there were no rules forbidding interaction or unions of any kind between them. It was only after two Clan Leaders fought for trivial matters that the rule begin, but that only create rifts between the Clans and their people, almost leading to a war. Back then Lord Shi intervened, allowing the restriction, so the Wind and Earth will not try to war using the excuse, but in order to keep the relationship between Clans strong, the gatherings hosted in a different lands each year were mandatory."

"I had no intention to abolish any Clan nor to interfere with how it's govern as long is not tyrannical, but useless rules based in unfounded hatred will be removed. People will have the right to go in or out as they pleased, following the respective Clan's laws if they decided to move and stay there. There will be open interactions, trading's, festivals and unions of any kind. I want for the people to feel free, to be part of something bigger than just one piece of land, but be part of a whole continent. Nuwa never wished for people to be separate by rules... she created humans to gather and live in communities sharing their lives and burdens... and that's what will get, that's the will of the gods." Yunlan said in a final tone, as his eyes slightly glowed gold for a few seconds.

After watching Zhao Yunlan with an aura of a god, Lin shut his mouth and they keep on walking. It was obvious to Guo that the new Oracle, was already closer to a half god than a human, but that was apparently the fate of the Oracles in charge of human lives and it was not like he was the only one, because Shen Wei too, had a different kind of aura. Perhaps that was the meaning when the god of fate had told him he will enhance his connection with the heavens, so they could truly share a lifetime together.

They keep up the pace until the forest suddenly ended at the foot of a black mountain, huge and imposing, reeking of dark power. Inside, the red meteor was waiting for them, as it was a living thing, aware of its own existence and that of others. It was a thing form another realm that didn't belonged to their world, thus it needed to be vanquish, leaving not a single trace behind.

"Da Qing, see if you can have a glance of what awaits us there and if a summoning circle can be created inside." Da assented and took Zhu's hand, closing his eyes to see if he could penetrate the enemy territory, but their presence was expelled away as soon as they try it. Zhu gasped, taking a step back, but Qing steady her, taking a hold on her waist.

"I'm sorry Yunlan, but we could not go beyond the external cape of the mountain. The red stone power is too strong to go further, although there is a way in, a narrow tunnel from where some beasts go in and out." Zhu said.

"Where?" Yunlan asked and both Da and Zhu pointed at the same direction at their right.

"It's huge, Oracle Yunlan... I can sense a living creature inside and it's almost as big as the black mountain itself. If we kill it, there is a big possibility for us to be burry by the collapse of the mountain, with no summoning circle to take us out in time." Guo said, taking the attention of the whole group. Yunlan took a look at Wei and impulsively held his hand in his own, slightly kissing it.

"I'm in, no matter what happens. If we don't get rid of the source of the poison tainting the land, the cleaning of the gods in the valley and beyond was for nothing, because eventually the land will be poison again. I'm willing to risk my life for my people and those I love, no matter the danger and if it is my fate to die here, I accept it with honor. Who's with me?" Yunlan asked while offering his intertwined hand with Wei forward.

"The Fire Clan does not back down." Wei said, looking at Yunlan with a kind of devotion that make Zhu smile.

"You could have skip that, we already know you will follow that fool no matter where." Chu said and Shen Wei blushed, making Zhu and Wang slightly laugh.

"But... Oh, well, the Puppet Clan will never leave a challenge half done and if it meant that I can steal away a certain Sage if we manage to survive, I'm more than in." Chu continue as he too, put his hand over that of the lovers and almost immediately another one covered Chu's.

"The Sage Clan does not fear death." Guo shyly said, avoiding Chu's intense gaze on him, but his ears were as red as Wei's.

"Seen that, how could we, the Nuwa worshipers can go against the will of the goddess and leave you guys to fight alone. The Serpent Clan will not run away and willingly accept our fate as well." Zhu said, joining her hand too.

"It goes without saying, whatever she goes, so will I. Such is the nature of our bond, I will fight hard no matter what and the Earth Clan does not give up either." Da said, putting his hand over Zhu's, slightly pressing it for reassurance, for which she smiled at him.

"The Fire Clan does not back down, like our Prince said." Wang added her.

"I guess I had no choice. My Prince and my love, I can't stay behind while they fight." Sang said, making a few laugh, as he joined hands too. Then, they looked at Lin, honestly not expecting he would join, but to their surprise, he did without a hint of hesitation.

"Those from the Wind Clan are not cowards and it's not like our combined effort had not make a difference in this quest, but the contrary. I apologize for my rudeness, it was out of line." Lin said and Yunlan smiled.

"No need to apologize, but well said... now, whatever we face inside that mountain, we trust each other and do our best to stay alive. Even if our end comes here, at least we will have the honor to die for our people and those we care for. May the gods grant us their protection, it's not like I had giving up on that lovely wedding." Yunlan said winking at his Wei and soon enough, they all watched as the fireflies circle them, then begin to gather over their joined hands.

An instant later, there was a flash of golden light and they instinctively moved their hands away to cover their eyes and so that's where Yunlan find the new goddess stone inside his hand.

"Now we are ready. Let's go!" Yunlan said as he moved in the direction of where Da and Zhu had pointed out before and so, the rest follow.

AN: For some reason, the ending keep extending, maybe unconsciously I don't want to let go of it. 😭 However, everything in this world, had a beginning and an end. 👍❤❤❤❤❤😙