A Very Special Night


Once their task was over, Da Qing and Zhu Hong joined their forces to create a summoning circle back to the Star Temple in which a few people were waiting for them. Shen Wei was actually surprised to find his brother Ye Zun, as well as some other friends form the Fire Clan waiting for him and came to hug his white haired brother as soon as he find out he was back.

Yunlan smiled, watching the brothers greet each other with affection. He knew their relationship was special, as twin's brothers, despite the difference in their hair color, because their link was stronger than the normal brotherhood. At least the Fire Clan had someone else who could take Wei's place, when he was ready to move into the Temple with him.

His case was another matter, however, because his father didn't have another son and he wanted for Yunlan to lead the Water Clan when he could no longer do it himself. As soon as Zhao Xin Chi find out that his son was the new appointed Oracle, he came to find him and they engaged in a heated discussion that ended when Xin Chi saw Yunlan's eyes change color to a more golden shade. It was then he had realize that his son was perhaps no longer a full human, but on his way to become something beyond.

In the past, only Lord Tao Shi could change the color of his eyes when he was angry, along with the release of an overwhelming divine aura that make him the ruler of all Clans and had keep them from warring between them for generations. They all knew the power of the Oracle was absolute, even if they didn't witness it in person.

Xin Chi also knew that Yunlan was different since he was a kid, not only because he could use star magic too, but also because his magical aura was different, yet he never thought it could be because his son had been chosen to replace Tao Shi when the time was right. After that, he swallow his complains and anger, because Yunlan was now the ruler of the Clans and their fate and future were in his hands. He already had a clear idea to where to lead them, uniting the people despite the existence of the Clans, for which he will watch and see, how he will become the calm and storm of their world.

They stay in the Star Temple for a week, to participate in Zhao Yunlan's official ceremony as the head of the Clans, then they go back to their homes, including Shen Wei. There were a few things he needed to take care off before joining Yunlan more permanently in the Star Temple. He visit the healing houses to see how his people were recovering from the sickness, then congratulate Ye Zun on his engage with Lady Shin. His brother still needed to learn to be a leader, but with his father guidance, Shen Wei was sure Ye Zun will become a worthy Clan leader with the pass of time.

As for the others, the Sage Clan reported that Guo Changcheng had turn down his position to travel freely somewhere else, alongside with Chu Shuzhi, who also renounced to his title with the Puppet Clan. Zhu and Da Qing went back to their respective Clans, but there were rumors that the Serpent Clan and Earth Clan were planning a secret wedding in a few months.

Sang stayed with Yunlan as his personal healer and Wang had accepted Oracle's offer to be the head healer in the Star Temple, thus the two could be seen joining hands and occasionally kissing while stargazing on a pagoda outside the temple. Lin Jing went back to his Clan, after compromising that the Wind Clan will follow the new Oracle's lead to a better and prosper future.

Thus three months went by in a blink of an eye, while something else was also been planned in private. In a very special night, exactly the night of the third month full moon, hundreds of fireflies flied around in a vast ethereal valley under the stars. The place itself was magical and unique, with dozens of cherry blossoms and whimper threes in full bloom that sent pink and lavender petals floating in the air with the pass of the gentle breeze.

There were countless moon flowers that only bloomed every three months in that magical valley, with softs light green, red, purple, yellow, white, light blue, orange, pink, wine, teal and so on, in and endless gamma of bright colors. It was a sight that took ones breath away, that illuminate the surroundings, without the need of torches or enchanted fires and in there, a very small group of people gather under the bright full moon, with two of them dressed in rich red and golden in front of a middle age man dressed in emerald green and black.

The night was clear of clouds and the breeze gentle and fresh, as Zhao Yunlan took Shen Wei's hand to place a soft kiss on his palm. Shen Wei smiled at him, his love reflecting on his dark eyes, his need of him barely contained under the surreal atmosphere they were in. Yunlan looked back at his Prince, seen him tall and handsome in his elegant red wedding robes, although he could not convince him to wear the hair ornaments, his lover still was too stunning, with his long hair falling freely over his back, while a delicate tress half tied his hair.

Thus, both of them, handsome in their red robes, with the small group of friends, Zhu and Qing, Guo and Chu, Wang and Sang, Ye Zun, Shin, Wei's father, Yunlan's mother and even Lin, were watching the simple ceremony, as they were about to join their lives in yet another lifetime. The god of fate was there to bless them as they make their bows, to the parents, then to the heavens and finally to one another, sealing their union with an exchange of cups, drinking the eternal wine.

Then, dozens of fireworks shined in rich colors over their heads, announcing the union to the stars. However, as the group watched the fireworks, the main couple disappeared from the valley quite suddenly. Only Guo and the former Oracle notice their disappearance, but none of them will say a word until the others actually asked.

The answer was actually quite simple, a few fireflies had gather again over Wei's hand forming another stone and both Yunlan and Shen Wei had been pulled in, with the brownish stone falling to the grass ground, barely visible with only the moonlight and flowers in bloom. Guo blushed a bit, having a glance of the stone, that was their private dimension now and it had been months since the two newly wed had been with each other.

"Guo? Why you are blushing? Its normal for recently wed couples kiss and to be honest... we had done far more than that." Chu whisper at the end, making Guo blush even further. They had decided to elope after returning from their journey, although Guo had always stay in contact with Yunlan to let him know where they went.

"Chu..." Guo whisper, but that only make Chu laugh.

"You are cute when blushing, maybe we should had wed with Yunlan and Shen Wei, but I guess we still had a chance with Da and Zhu or even with Wang and Sang." Chu added.

"I thought you said it was fine the way we were." Guo protested.

"But thinking back, your white hair will make a fine contrast against the crimson red robes. I like that..."

"Old Chu!" Chu only laughed louder.

Back inside the stone, Yunlan was quite amused to find himself back to a stone dimension, quite similar to the one they used in their journey. This one however didn't have a water bubble, but a huge red bed with delicate curtains, cascading to the sides. It was obviously an open invitation to enjoy themselves in their wedding night.

"Was it you, Yunlan?" Shen Wei asked while blushing and Zhao smiled. He guessed this was the job of a certain mischievous fate god.

"No... this is not my doing... but I'm quite grateful... come here Shen Wei, it had been three months since I last kiss you, or have you..." Shen Wei smiled, pulling Yunlan to him by his robes to kiss his husband in full. As Yunlan was too distracted, responding his very heated kisses, Shen Wei slowly guided Yunlan to the border of the bed making him fall under him when he could no longer move backwards.

"I see you miss me too..." Yunlan smiled, as Wei undo the knot of his belt while sat over his lap.

"You have no idea... this fire keep burning me from the inside out for months. It's your fault, for wanting something grand, when I only wanted the simplest..." Wei said as he pull the belt out of their way.

"But it was simple, we didn't do anything, just wait for the right time to have our own fairy tale wedding..." Yunlan protested, feeling Wei's hooter skin over his chest, when he bend down to deliciously kiss him again.

"You said it right... we had to wait... for months...very long months..." Yunlan laughed, as Wei skin flared up even more. Seen him losing control of his temperature again, Yunlan summon a water bubble over the bed, sinking it inside the shallow water, yet deep enough to cool down his hot lover.

"You are too hot my Prince, let me cool you down first... we are out of practice." Zhao said, holding Wei while he moved up and sat over the wet bed, to push Wei down into the water along with him. Then he kissed his Prince underwater, discreetly cooling the temperature, creating a layer of steam over the surface.

Once back to the surface, Shen Wei removed his long wet hair from his face and looked at Yunlan, wet and handsome, strong and majestic, as his red robe floated at his sides over the steamy water. He looked too striking beautiful, it took Shen Wei's breath away.

"So beautiful... I have miss you, my Yunlan..." Wei whisper, sliding a lone finger over Yunlan's bare chest and down, heating Zhao's skin under his mesmerized touch. The new Oracle moaned and grabbed the Fire Prince hand, putting his index finger inside his mouth to play with it.

"Ah Lan..." Wei whisper closing his eyes, as Yunlan let go of his hot finger to kiss his neck, while once again having a hard time untying his belt knot.

"That's it! I will forbid knots on robes from this day on..." Zhao said and Shen smiled, burning his own belt away, so his lover could access what he wanted.

"Then should I be walking around the Star Temple half naked?" Shen Wei joked, enjoying Yunlan's touch all over him.

"Nope, that's forbidden too. Only I can see you like this... my Wei, my very lively Shen Wei..." They kissed again.

"Now... let's take it from where we left of the last time..." Yunlan said, however, Shen Wei push him down, back over the half cover with water bed.

"I'm sorry Ah Lan... but because you make me wait, this time is my turn... my love." Wei whisper as he kissed a half smiling Yunlan.

"I thought you will love it, my Wei... The enchanting location for our union." Shen smiled quite lovingly.

"I love it, my Yunlan... let me show you just how much." Yunlan laughed as Shen undress him, already preparing himself for his hottest night of love and desires.

AN: Ah, another story over. It was a magical journey that tested my imagination, pushing it to go further. I hope my dears, that it was also a good and entertaining quest for all of you as well. Take care my darling, with love, Akai Seirei out.