"Should we start practising?" Sherry said still feeling slightly embarrassed how easy it was for her to get convinced to call Marcel big brother.
"Mmh," Marcel said in agreement and was led through stretching exercises by her before they started practising.
It was quite an interesting routine to watch as the two wrapped around each other then let each other go. Marcel kept on wondering why Sherry chose to sing such a suggestive song since even the dance moves became suggestive.
When they went through the routine the fourth time, Marcel's movements became more fluid and natural which made it even more comfortable for Sherry to dance with him.
[As long as you practice anything, there's nothing you wouldn't be able to learn] Avian said.
[Your entire situation in itself is not logical] Avian replied. Marcel had to admit that Avian was indeed right.
Marcel's conversation with Avian had made him absent-minded so when Sherry twisted her body, rather than shift her position, his grip loosened and chaos ensued from there. Fortunately Marcel cushioned her fall so she wasn't hurt.
Since she fell on top of him he had his breath knocked out of him and he knocked his head on the floor so he was slightly disoriented.
He lay there and stared at the ceiling completely dazed. He heard people's voices at a distance but he did not move. He actually couldn't breathe since Sherry had not moved from her position and was instead worriedly patting his face.
When the two of them had fallen, both Ben and Rain had just walked into the practice room together with the other three girls who were in the same group with her walked in. Ben and Rain had immediately rushed towards them with worry and were calling Marcel's name in worry.
"Brea-" Marcel whispered.
"What?" Sherry asked when she realised he was trying to say something.
"Breathe" Marcel whispered again but Sherry was still confused up until Ben easily lifted her by her arm and Marcel took a large breath and started coughing. Rain who was kneeling next to him cradled his head and patted his back.
"What happened?" Ben asked Sherry who was as confused as everyone else if not even more confused.
"It was- cough- my fault," Marcel said between coughs.
"Are you okay?" Rain asked as she patted his hair back in place.
[Is that what you are worried about?] Avian asked annoyed.
Marcel nodded to let Rain know that he was fine and felt her body relax when she sighed in relief. After catching his breath, he made to sit up but something was stopping him.
When he tried sitting up again he felt that he was being kept in place. He focussed his gaze on Rain who was not so subtly looking at him.
"I'm fine now, you can let me go," Marcel said as politely as he could.
"Are you sure? You don't feel any pain anywhere?" Rain asked still holding him down. Marcel really couldn't move, he was wondering how strong she actually was to be able to so effortlessly hold him down like that.
"I'm in no pain. Besides, this is embarrassing. Can you let me go?" Marcel asked and Rain finally noticed the strange look she was getting from Ben. She reluctantly let him go and Marcel stood up with no hesitation as if he was afraid of being pulled down by Rain once more.
"Are you dizzy, or feeling any pain?" Ben asked as his gaze searched for any abnormalities.
"I'm alright. I lost focus for a second and caused an accident. I'm sorry." Marcel apologised to Sherry who looked at him in surprise.
"Oh, it's alright. As long as you're fine" Sherry said and her face reddened a bit. Her group members had to check if they were in the correct practice room because Sherry was acting out of character.
"Do you need to rest?" Ben asked still not convinced that Marcel was alright.
"We're already warmed up, we can show you the routine. Unless you're hurt" Marcel said the first part to Ben and the other to Sherry as he checked on her physical condition with his eyes.
"I'm alright, you took the brunt of the fall anyway," She said in reassurance.
"Let's do it once more then," Marcel said as he stretched his body his sleeveless hoodie riding up in the process exposing his toned stomach.
"Where do you think she found him?" Kaira asked as she unabashedly looked at Marcel.
"She said he was at the reception," Sheena said as she too looked at Marcel without holding back.
"Wasn't he the guy at the elevator?" Elise the group leader asked the other two girls.
"Oh yeah~," Kaira said as if she was the one that figured it out making the other two girls roll their eyes at her.
Sherry who was completely unaware of the discussion her group members were having about Marcel went to restart the song and the two of them got into position and started the routine once more. Ben seriously watched as they danced the entire routine flawlessly.
"You really improved" Ben commented once the two finished the routine.
"That's a relief," Marcel said and smiled happily.
"After you work on your chemistry, then you should be able to film the dance version of the song," Ben said absentmindedly as if he was making calculations.
"Dance version?" Marcel asked Sherry with a raised eyebrow.
"Mmh, why do you think the whole song got choreographed?" Sherry asked as if it was something obvious.
Marcel didn't fuss since he was being paid pretty generously anyways so he just nodded to show that he understood that he had to film the dance version on top of the original video.
"You need to spend some time together. The dance shouldn't look so mechanical" Ben said after thinking for a while.
"Let's try it once more with more 'feeling'" Marcel suggested and grabbed Sherry's hand pulling her to the centre of the room. When Sherry looked at Marcel she noticed that his aura had completely changed and that he did feel like a dance instructor.
When Ben saw this he nodded in approval, that was the feeling he was looking for, now if only Sherry didn't look so star struck it would be perfect.