Nice Uncle

"We're here," Damien said as he parked his car in front of a large apartment building. Marcel got out of the car and went to the trunk of the car to take his and Liam's luggage while Damien went directly to pick Liam up from the back seat.

Liam wrapped his small arms around Damien's neck with his school bag hanging off his back. If anyone saw them they would think that Damien was carrying his son because of how comfortable Liam was around him.

If Elise saw this sight she would definitely feel aggrieved since she did not receive the same amount of affection from Liam even though she worked way harder than Damien.

"Do you need help?" Damien asked Marcel who was dragging one large suitcase and a backpack.

"No, it's alright. We don't have much so it's not heavy at all" Marcel said as he slung the backpack on his back.

"Mmmh, let's go then," Damien said and led the way to the apartment building.

He stopped at security for a few minutes and explaining that Marcel was supposed to be moving in that day and the security gave him the keys to the apartment as he was instructed that someone from Big Star was going to move in that day.

"Will you need any help moving in sir?" the man asked Damien and he shook his head.

"He is the one moving in with his little brother, as you can see, they don't have much" Damien explained and the guard looked at Marcel for the first time.

He did not even have to make an effort to remember him because his face was already quite memorable. He nodded his head as if he was approving of their looks.

In all honesty, he had never met so many good looking people that knew each other. Even the child's looks were quite memorable.

Marcel politely nodded at the security guy before following Damien into the building. When they were on the ground floor Damien pressed the elevator button and the three of them waited for the elevator to arrive.

"Do you have a schedule tomorrow?" Damien asked as they were waiting for the elevator.

"I do, I have to attend the shoot for the music video," Marcel said and stretched his hand to lightly pinch Liam's cheeks. He could not help himself, even though Liam did not have much flesh on his cheeks he was cute enough that he could not help but do so.

"Oh, is tomorrow going to be the last day?" Damien asked.

"That'll depend I guess. I hope we can finish tomorrow so that I can unpack in peace" Marcel grumbled and the three of them got in the elevator.

Damien pressed the button to the 5th floor and the elevator doors shut before it started moving. After a few seconds, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open.

"Here is your key card. You can set your password for the lock later because I'm sure you're going to lose this at some point. If you want to change your lock in the future just let Julia know and she'll sort it out for you." Damien said as he handed Marcel the keycard he had received from the security guard.

"Thank you," Marcel said and placed the key card on the lock and there was an audible sound of the door unlocking. Marcel opened the door to the apartment and walked in while dragging the large suitcase behind him while Damien waited outside.

"Come on in," Marcel said when he saw that Damien did not make any move to come inside. He did not mind such things because he hadn't even customised the apartment yet and if it was messy then it really was not his fault.

The apartment was quite simplistic. It was by no means extravagant it was a comfortable place where he could comfortably stay with Liam so he was happy when he actually saw the place.

Marcel left the bags at the centre of the living room and went to tour the house. He went to check the kitchen and opened the cupboards and saw that there was everything that he would need in a kitchen so he smiled in satisfaction. In all honesty, he was not able to even use half of the things that were in there.

After touring the kitchen with both Damien and Liam trailing behind him, he went to see the bedrooms and saw that there was one master bedroom that was more spacious than he had imagined.

When he walked through the doors of the walk-in closet he remembered the pitiful amount of clothes that he had and felt his mood start to deteriorate. The bathroom was simplistic with a shower, sink and toilet.

Marcel continued to tour the place and he nodded in satisfaction. He knew he wouldn't have been able to find a place like this for the same price as the partnership the owner had with the company already promised a large discount.

"Thank you for this, I truly appreciate it," Marcel said to Damien who was still carrying Liam.

"No problem. I should probably go so that you can get settled." Damien said and put Liam down and after some hesitation Liam released him.

"You can bring him to my office tomorrow if you think you won't be able to look after him while you're working," Damien said as he patted Liam's head. Marcel nodded but did not make any promises before then. If he was going to be occupied he decided he would tell him tomorrow.

"I'll see you both tomorrow then," Damien said before leaving the apartment. Once the door closed Liam looked at him with his big brown eyes.

"Big brother Marcel" Liam called out.

"What is it?" Marcel asked as he picked him up.

"That uncle is really nice," Liam said with a smile that accentuated his dimples. Marcel could only helplessly agree with him. It wasn't like Damien had ever done anything to prove otherwise.