He Stood Dumbstruck.

When he walked into the bathroom and saw Ashley, he was shocked. He had put her into the bath still clothed. In a short time, it had taken him to check the door, and she had taken off all of her clothes. He stared at her as she stood in front of him, completely naked.

He stood dumbstruck.

He couldn't decide whether to continue staring or look away. His manhood prevailed. Instead of looking away, he moved closer to better view Ashley's mesmerizing body.

She was still not in her right mind. "Ohhh…." She moaned, "Why is my body so hot? I need you…please."

Tanaga felt like he had just eaten a bowl of spicy chili, his body now fiery hot after hearing Ashley's moans. His desire heightened. Maybe…he thought as he moved closer to 'Heaven' or 'Hell.'

Entranced by the view, he didn't notice he had moved even closer until he reached Ashley's extended hand that was now reaching out to him.

Tanaga held her hand, his eyes fixated on her smooth-skinned body on full display in front of him. It took him a moment to realize that his junior now stood like a sturdy street post. He chuckled at himself as he let go of her hand and stepped out of the bathroom.

He closed the door behind him hastily and say on his bed, contemplating what to do in this situation.

If something happens between us, that's not a bad thing. The contract removed any restrictions from me. I can do whatever I want with her, Tanaga thought to himself. But is it right for us to do this? She's not clear-minded. But if she's sober, will she still want to do this with me? Tanaga's confused mind was racing. What should I do?! 

As Tanaga sat weighing his options, the sound of Ashley's moans getting louder and louder tickled his ears. Her tempting cries were like a magnet pulling him. Finally, he couldn't control his lust any longer. He gave in and walked back into the bathroom.

He opened the door, inch by inch, still giving it his best effort to control himself. He poked his head inside to sneak a peek at Ashley.

Suddenly his jaw dropped straight to the floor, eyes the size of saucers when he saw what she was doing.

Tanaga's eyes were wide with shock at the sight before him in the bathroom. Ashley was standing naked in the bathtub as if she were Eve. She was dancing beautifully, slowly caressing her body and arms.

It was picturesque. Ashley stood stark naked, dancing seductively as she slowly ran her hands across her body. Starting at her face, down to her neck, her breasts, then down, down, down.

He stood there watching. Ashley had become a temptress, bewitching Tanaga as if an invisible rope was pulling him closer to her as she danced in her trance-like state. He took just a few steps forward. Now he was standing right in front of her. He lifted his hand to touch her body.

He was enchanted. The heat he felt dictated his body's every move. Ashley was not in her right mind. She was acting on impulses brought on by the drugs she had ingested. Tanaga, however, was responding to the heating lust he felt for her.

His outreached hand was about to touch her smooth, perfectly round butt that was now just inches away from him. Suddenly Ashley turned her body toward him. His up-close view of her backside was quickly replaced. Her treasured Pearl of the Orient was gloriously on display in front of him, the blackness of the hair that covered it only inches from his face.