Lock Them Up!

Meanwhile, Tanaga's group just arrived at the airport when he received a call from Manager Hoshi. 

His cellphone vibrates from inside his suit jacket, while there's a cordless earpiece in his left ear, Ashley didn't see who's calling. 

"Hello?" Tanaga answered while supporting her wife coming out of the car. 

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" Ashley Asked because she doesn't know that her husband has an earpiece and talking on the phone. 

Tanaga shakes his head and smiled while listening on who calls him. Few people know his number, so he doesn't look who is calling and just answering.

"CEO Jones, this is Hoshi. What you said was right, President Handa was already here with the five directors of the company." Hoshi said each name of the directors that is with president Hanada.