The Twins Beat Him...

Meanwhile, back in Japan, there was a man who was restless while seated on a chair. He was in a board meeting and they were talking about a big project, but his mind was nowhere near. Instead, he was holding his smartphone while thinking if he should fly to America or not?

The directors and other high-ranking personnel kept talking while Tanaga's mind was flying out of the window. That's why when Vice President Hiromichi was asking him repeatedly he didn't notice it and he repeatedly tried to catch his attention.

"CEO Jones, what do you think? Are we going to approve this project?" VP Hiromichi asked.

"What? Oh, why don't you first study it carefully and then give me your proposal and I will inform you of my decision." Tanaga then stood up.

"If you don't need anything from me, then this meeting is adjourned." Then he left without looking back.