Not Until You Say Yes

Blood rushed to her head. She did not calculate him to be such a brute. Did he deal with other woman like this as well? That feeling made her anger soar higher as she remained mum about the location of her bedroom. It wouldn't be hard considering there were only two doors, aside from the secret rooms, so his guess would be a 50/50 chance. Even if he found her bedroom, he would not be able to enter Who did he think he was? The only reason he was able to enter her home so easily is because she had forgotten to turn on her security system last night after staying up late researching. If she had not even a fly could enter here without her agreement. The building was run down and looked as though it did not have much to offer, her apartment itself not different from that. She kept her possessions to a minimum, this was not her main residence anyways for her to have much. A comfortable couch, a clear glass table, a stocked kitchen and a bed.

However, despite how minimalistic it seemed, she had high tech equipment embedded in almost every corner of her apartment. Xi Long may be walking around as he wished but if she hit her wall right now she could have a gun to his head in less than 5 seconds.

"If you won't tell me I'll just chose."

"Put me down."

"Not until you agree to breakfast. I won't leave you either."

"Absolutely not, I refuse to go anywhere with you."

"Then I'm not leaving."


Ignoring her protests, Xi Long went and opened a door. By his luck he had chosen the bedroom correctly.

'So this is what her room looks like.'

Her room was average sized, sheets messy from just waking up but the room smelled like her. He glanced around searching for a sign of anyone else living with her. To his pleasure, there was no other clothes but hers, which meant there was no man currently in her life. If there was, he would make him disappear. The idea of her being with someone else or even laying in a bed with a man that was not him made his blood boil. He knew that his thoughts were just thoughts but it was hard to control his mind as they kept spinning story after story. In a fix of irritation, he took the soft body on his shoulder and dropped her onto the bed.

"What are you doing!"

Climbing on top of her he placed his arms next to her head. Leaning his body weight forward he pressed his body against her, trapping her into the bed. His firm muscles pressed against her soft but firm body.

"Do you have kink for trapping people?" Everytime they met he has managed to pin her against something - whether it was the wall, bed, or him.

Xi Long choked, out of all the things he expected her to say that was not one of them. He loved how unpredictable she was and did not hesitate to say anything she wanted. "No I don't but I might develop one because of you."

Her skin turned flush at her words while her faced remained neutral. "Wha..what a pervert. Get off of me!"

"Not until you say yes to the breakfast. Unless you're scared of me....kitten are you scared of me?"

"Scared?! Me?! Never."

"Then what's the problem? Scared that you'll fall in love with me after one meal? I know that I can be very....tempting." He said as he got closer to her, bringing his lips an inch away from her lips.

Tempting was an understatement. This man was straight seducing her, with his body pressing against her and his lips so close to hers it was hard for her to resist his charm completely.

"I will not fall in love with you, just watch. Get off I need to get ready."

"Alright, I'll wait in the living room but don't take too long. Then I'll have to break into the bathroom Kitten and who knows what state you'll be in." Dipping next to her ear he whispered "But don't worry I like you with clothes and without."

With that he removed his body off of hers and silently retreated to the living room closing the door behind him. Ying Yue lay there for two more minutes till she could gather herself off the bed. His actions and words stunned her, while she's had men flirt with her before none were as brazen as him. She quite liked his style, disregarding his annoying dictator attitude, she preferred the straight and clear way of speaking. She could tell that he did not lie to her and every word he spoke was true. Which meant the bit about him breaking into her bathroom was also true. Grabbing her towel and clothes she speed walked into the bathroom ignoring the imposing man who was currently texting on her couch.


After a quick shower she put on tight blue jeans and a loose black top. Grabbing a long black jacket and a mask for her face she was ready to face him. Walking into the living room she could feel the tense energy. Xi Long was currently speaking into the phone in harsh words about a company trying to deceive him and to blacklist them immediately. It was not the first time that happened to him she bet. However, it amused her that there were companies who still tried knowing his reputation.

Clearing her throat she walked towards him as he ended his call. As he turned around to look at her she had already went towards the front door to put her sneakers on.

She turned back to face him, a smirk on her face at the idea of free food and proving this arrogant man wrong. "Ready to go?"