
"Now where was I?"



She had already slapped the woman enough but at the thought of what happened earlier she slapped her two more times. The feel of her soft but caked face against her rough hands was amusing. Hitting her didn't get rid of all her irritation but it was satisfying. Finished with her she released her and pushed her away. Tripping from the sudden movement, the blonde woman fell onto the floor.

"Aghhh!" She shrieked as she was thrown onto the cold floor.

"Remove her." Xi Long was tired of the drama. His kitten had well taken care of her but for the audacity of attempting to attack her - she must suffer. Anyone who goes against her whether small or big will suffer the same two-fold.

The woman was in a daze, she did not know how things had escalated to this point. She had been tipped off my one of the waiters that he was here as she knew that he frequented this restaurant a lot. In a rush, she put on the nicest outfit and ordered her chauffeur to rush over. Even between stepping out of the car and walking to the entrance she saw woman glaring at her with jealousy and men with attraction. Yet, the man she had done all this for did not even spare her a look! It must be that woman! Who is she to command his attention! Her face throbbed from getting aggressively slapped. As soon as she was born her parents had treated her like a princess and gave her everything she desired but not even once did they lay a hand on her. But this 'slut' did and was the main cause of her humiliation today.

As she was dragged out of the restaurant and forced into her car, her heart with filled with vengence. Marking this moment with blood shot eyes she swore that one day she would return and would destroy that women until Xi Long himself killed her.


Back inside the restaurant Ying Yue had sat back down at the newly prepared table. Xi Long had followed her suit and sat down after placing his order.

"So does this type of thing happen often?"

"Never. I have had women try to approach me but never got close."

"Then how did this woman get close and speak your name out so personally."

"Because today I gave my guards the morning off and I cannot answer why she had thought she could use my name. That is a privilege awarded to only a select amount of people."

"Why aren't your guards here. Isn't it dangerous?"

"Hmm kitten if I'm not wrong you sound a bit jealous and worried about me?" His face dipped into a sly smirk.

"Worried about you? Not at all. But you see I'm worried about myself - what if someone decides to attack you and I get caught in the crossfire?"

"I would never let you get hurt. That I promise." He spoke with such seriousness that Ying Yue's heart clenched at his words. She had never had someone speak or attempt to protect her like this, it could just be sweet words but somewhere in her heart she knew he would fulfill them.

"So...fallen in love with me yet? Don't rush the food hasn't even arrived yet." He chuckled.

'Annnndddd its ruined. To think I had a good impression of him for a second.'

"Not happening."

The waitress overheard her reply as she placed their food down. It shocked her as most socialites and women - men even would not dare to say such in front of the Yama incarnate. Both respect and fear filled her as she gazed at the mysterious lady who spoke those words without hesitation. If she spoke like that to him, how fierce of a woman could she be?

Finally getting the chance to eat some food, Ying Yue immediately dug in. She could care less about the man in front of her as a plate of a steaming hot eggs benedict and popcorn mala chicken was literally seducing her. The combo of items were different, suppose a new fusion idea on their side but she wasn't complaining. Fried chicken in the morning is always a good idea. As she placed the first bite into her mouth a small moan escaped her at the creamy combo. She continued to joyfully eat fully forgetting that there was someone else at the table.

Xi Long was amused, as soon as the food appeared his kitten had developed tunnel vision. She only saw the food and had started eating immediately. He was fine with it, she ate like she enjoyed food unlike other woman who saw it as a task. Not sure how the misconception started but eating like a bird was very unattractive in his books. He began eating until he heard a small moan escape her causing him to choke on his food. Drinking water he attempted to calm himself down after that sudden seduction tactic. It did not help that she had removed the mask on her face to eat so he heard the moan while seeing her full face that was tempting enough as it is.

Clenching his hands he ignored his urge to grip her hips and place her onto his lap to hear more of those delicious sounds. The image of her on his lap as he grinded her into him while her soft lips kissed him sent his blood on fire. He would bid his time until she was comfortable enough with him and then he carry out this dream. Ever since their first kiss he had felt that his urges and self control increased tremendously. Like a pre-teen boy he was imagining different scenarios and getting seduced by even the simplest sounds. As he was taking another bite his hands stilled and his body tensed. He could sense that something was off, years of working in the underground had made him sensitive to even the smallest hint of danger. His face turned cold, he had simply wanted a breakfast with his kitten but he was met with so many interruptions. Dark energy escaped him filling up the restaurant till the workers couldn't breathe. Signaling the security guard again he quietly ordered that all staff hide in the safest spot possible immediately. A battle was about to start.

Ying Yue had finished stuffing two pieces of popcorn chicken into her mouth when she felt their presence. Swallowing her food and chugging down some water her body began itching at the idea of fighting. She could feel that the building was surrounded, to her calculation around 35 people were outside. Glancing at Xi Long to see if he noticed she saw him sitting at the edge of his seat, eyes darting around. His face was stone cold while his aura was deadly. She could see why some people would call him the Yama King, his presence right now was no less than what she expected from an underworld boss.

Sighing, she resigned herself to the battle that was about to begin. All she wanted was some free food but unknowingly she got involved in so many interesting situations. Looking at him once more she took a deep breath before turning towards the doors.

"Bring it," and that's when all hell broke loose.