Lady Boss?

"You made a mistake when you decided to target me, enjoy hell" Xi Long said as he spoke his last words to Zhong Fu who dared to attack him this morning. Despite his dark aura, he had a small smile on his lips as he thought about what happened earlier today.

**2 hours ago**

'Wait! I'm the lady boss?!'

Xi Long looked down when he felt his kitten struggle and push him out of their embrace. She glared around with fiery anger searching the room for someone and then held a look of confusion and surprise on her face. Watching her switch impressions so quickly was amusing to him, he had no idea what she was thinking about but was secretly enthralled that he could evoke so much emotions from her. Watching her turn to him with a look of questioning he could tell it was because of what Shufen just said. Why should he explain? She was his and the sooner she accepted that the better. He smirked back at her and pulled her soft body back against him.

"What's wrong kitten? Do you have something to ask me?"

"No. Why would I have anything to ask you?" Ying Yue watched as he smirked at her before asking her the question. 'He was teasing me for sure! Hmph does he think I will ask him?! Who cares what he calls me? He already calls me kitten so what will lady boss do?!'

"Hmm cause it seems to me that you wanted to ask me about the term - lady boss."

"Lady boss? What lady boss? I didn't hear anything like that."

He bent down beside her ear and husikly spoke, "I think you did, lady boss."

"Listen you pineapple head. I am NOT your lady boss, let alone your anything. I promised you breakfast and that is done. So now let me go!"

Xi Long laughed at her response, 'Pineapple head? That's the first time I've ever been called that - she's adorable.'

"See we barely even finished the meal so I have to say kitten - it doesn't count. I propose we do dinner to make up for this."

"Dinner?! That wasn't part of the deal."

"Neither was getting ambushed, but a little excitement doesn't hurt."

"Doesn't hurt? You could've almost died!" Ying Yue shouted at him, 'this man, did he not realise the seriousness of the situation!'

His heart turned warm at her words. She didn't even realize that she was showing concern for him. Unable to hold back he dipped back down and stole one more kiss from her. Catching her mid-rant he immediately pushed his tongue in and pressed harshly against her lips. He passionately took control of her mouth and as quick as he stole her lips he just as quickly stopped. Looking directly into her eyes, "No one would hurt me or you, I promise you that."

With that he dragged her outside by her arm and straight past his secretary he had thus ignored. Shufen stood their shocked as his mind raced to grasp what just happened. He had seen his boss... smile! His boss never smiled! Not only thought, he had almost fainted when he saw the lady boss yell at his boss. No one ever dared to yell at his boss and live but he kissed her in response? Did the attack ruin his boss' brain? Was boss even using his brain anymore or was another body part thinking for him??

'Huhu boss, I raced here worried about you and here I am being force fed dog food.' Sighing he went towards the back of the restaurant and lead the workers out of their hiding spot. His boss had left him to clean up this mess and he would need to silence all of them lest they talked about this to others.

"It's going to be a long day."


Xi Long had dragged Ying Yue straight into his car and drove away back towards her apartment. Glancing over at her, he could see her sit silently pouting at him with a slight daze. He loved seeing her look at that because of him. Her plump red lips swollen from his attack kept edging him to kiss her again but he had to stay in control. Seeing her blood stained clothes his eyes darkened in anger. He would destroy the man who dared to against him and attack his kitten! Regardless if she could take care of herself or not, even thinking to hurt her was enough reason for death.

As he pulled up to her apartment, Ying Yue came back to focus and quickly exited the car to run towards her apartment door. Pulling out her keys and opening the door she went inside and tried to close the door when she saw him follow her in.

"Why are you here?"

Looking down at his clothes she was reminded how stained and blood covered he was.

"I need to borrow your bathroom, I can't exactly go to work like this can I."

"Fine you can use it but that's it. You leave right after okay and I don't have any clothes for you."

"Don't worry I have a spare in the car. Now if you'll excuse me." He sauntered into the apartment and took of his clothes one by one. By the time he had entered her bathroom she could start to see the glimpse of his naked back before the door closed on her.

She went towards her kitchen and gulped down water. This man would be the death of her!!!