Underground Competition Pt. 2

The noise from the crowd grew louder as the first match started. "Now in the first corner we have an old contestant - Hetong!" A medium built man walked on to the stage clad in shorts and a white t-shirt. He flexed his muscles as he stood there with a cocky smile.

'Weak.' Ying Yue knew on first glance that he would be an easy opponent to defeat. He was tall and had a good amount of muscles but she could tell he was not trained. A street thug looking to make money and exert dominance. She bet that he had gotten cocky dealing with low level gang matters and had the power go to his head. If Hetong was a repeat contender and still felt that he was a strong opponent, she worried that this competition would be too easy for her. She was hoping to find one good man to fight today or else it would've been a waste of her time to come and leave so unsatisfied.

"In the left corner, we have a new contender - Qi Jinguang!" A slim built man dressed in a black shirt and tight black joggers slowly walked onto stage. He was tall and lean with short black hair. Jinguang was an attractive man but the large scar across his face and cold disposition made the man come off scary. The crowd started screaming and taunting Jinguang when they saw him.

"Haha what a weak man!"

"Ooh Hetong you've got an easy win."

"Go home you girly boy!!!"

Ignoring the taunts, Qi Jinguang stood silently as he waited for the bell to ring. The announcer walked off stage and the metal cage immmediately rose surrounding the ring. As soon as the bell rang Hetong ran towards Jinguang to grab him. Everyone watched in anticipation for the attack but were surprised when they saw Jinguang on the other side of the ring and Hetong against the cage wall. The crowd was shocked, were they seeing things? How did Jinguang get there?

While everyone was confused the fight continued. Hetong pulled himself off the wall and glared at his opponent in anger. 'How did I miss him?!' Fueled by anger Hetong once again ran towards Jinguang and swung his fist. Jinguang stayed still and then side stepped Hetong. Grabbing the swung hand by the wrist he pulled it behind Hetong and dislocated his shoulder in one fluid motion.

"Ahh," Hetong screamed out in pain from the sudden attack. Before he could defend himself he felt a strong kick against his back forcing him to fall forward. Stars shone in his eyes as he tried to catch himself but to his surprise his opponent caught him before he could hit the floor. Spinning him around he stared at the face of his opponent, an uneasy feeling rose in his stomach when he realized that he was at a disadvantage. Determined to change the tide he wriggled himself out of Jinguang's hold and threw another punch. As his fist was about to land a quick strike against his forehead shattered all his senses. In less than two seconds he saw black and a whisper in his ears "lights out."

The crowd was silent at the unexpected turn of events but it only took a second before they started screaming out in excitement. No one had thought the small thin man had any skills but they had just beaten a strong competitor! Ying Yue eyes shifted as she watched Qi Jinguang. The crowd may have thought he was knocked out from the last hit to his forehead but she knew that the damage was worse than that. Qi Jinguang had secretly hit pressure points during the fight that slowly blocked his blood flow. It decreased his fighting power and made Hetong tire out faster. The hit to the forehead was only the final blow to make his body collapse. As the body was falling down Jinguang had made one last silent move which undid the blocked points so Hetong wouldn't die but would wake up in a couple of hours with immense body pain.

'He's dangerous.' Ying Yue felt a sense of familiarity when she saw him. The way he fought, the skills he used, they all reminded her of the men she fought in the past. It was rare to see a man of his level entering a low level competition like this. 'Why did he join this match? Did he need the money? No it was more than that...was he looking for a challenge like her?' Her blood hummed as her body twitched in excitement. She wanted to fight him, she had to fight him.


The second match had already started while she was lost in her thoughts. The next two opponents were weak and were just dragging on a fight of pure strength and no skills. She wouldn't waste her time to watch this stupid match, her mind was in a daze as she felt herself subconsciously think of Xi Long. This morning she caught a glimpse of his fighting skills and wondered how it would be if he had entered this fight or even knew that she had entered. She frowned at the thought, she had no doubt that he would be mad at her and forbid her to enter this competition. 'Wait why am I even thinking of him??? Jiang Ying Yue get your shit together, he doesn't own you!!! You came out to have fun, forget about him.' Caught in her thoughts she refocused on the ring to realize that the fight had already ended. The announcer was on stage calling out for the third match - her match.

"In the left corner we have our reigning champion - Sun Bin!!!" A tall muscular man entered the ring shirtless with just red shorts covering him. He was the picture of a muscle head brute filled with unnecessary confidence. She laughed at the announcer's plan, this was supposed to scare her?

"In the right corner we have a new contestant - Viper!" Ying Yue stepped away from the corner and made her way to the stage. Her hands were clenched as her body prepared for the upcoming fight. She met the announcer's arrogant look with a smirk.

Her name was Viper for a reason and now she would show him why.