Sleeping Arrangements

Seeing her let out a small smile he was unsure if she was laughing at him or just enjoyed that he was wearing her clothes. It was hilarious for him since he thought she would be the first one to wear each other's clothes but it was in fact him. Clearing his throat he began walking towards her bedroom.

"Wait." Confusion laced her face. Did he need something from her room? "Why are you going there, do you need something?"

"Need something? No, I'm going to sleep." Amusement filled him, his kitten was so confused and he waited for her to understand what he meant. Of course, as her man he should stay in the same bed as her. Especially after what they had just done! It would be cruel to let her sleep alone, no? Satisfied with his reasoning, he was prepared to face her questioning.

"Who said you would sleep there! You will sleep here on this couch." Patting the seat for extra emphasis she directed him to sleep here. How could she sleep with him? He was really pushing his luck.