Petty Arguments

'Irritating.' Scoffing in her head, Ying Yue was annoyed by the situation and held in a barrage of comments. He was the one who asked her to come here after HE dropped something of importance in HER house. To bring it on such a short notice honestly made her a saint but to think that on first sight what she would see is him angry. She was not expecting him to welcome her or be overly happy but the least she could expect was him being cordial. To add on, the anger was directed at her! If he had been mad about work or another issue that is acceptable but she had not trudged here just to put up this behaviour. Yes, he had only glared at her so far but if he chose to say anything to her in the wrong tone she would set him straight! They were both children of violence, any sign of aggression is taken seriously, personal connections are no exception.