Clearing Things Up

"Who says I can't keep my promise?!" She gave him a small glare in response to his question. If she wanted to she would make sure that they never kissed again! Not that she planned on doing anything of the sort but in hypotheticals she would never break something she swore to.

There was a slight pause as she waited for him to comment back. Her body was relaxed while she sat on the edge of the desk but her body turned cautious from the look in his eyes. A strange glint passed through his eyes before he suddenly leaned closer to her. His face was next to hers, cheeks a hair distance away before he spoke flirtatiously in her ear. "Then I guess I'll have to make sure you never make that promise...." With that sentence he pressed a quick kiss against her ear before returning to his original position. He settled back into a lazy stance as he gazed at her.