Target Spotted

"Why, I can't call you to talk to my best friend??" Ming Ming widened his eyes and held a soft innocent look as she tried to convince Ying Yue. 

".....Neo.....what's going on." She rolled her eyes and directly ignored her. Tilting her head she waited for the familiar monotone voice to speak up. She could only see Ming Ming on the screen but she knew Neo was never far behind. When she had moved to this city they had all chosen seperate residences but had one base they would be able to operate out of. She didn't go over too often but Ming Ming and Neo were there almost every couple of days. It was easier to do more technical tasks since they had made it into a military grade facility. Not that it was insanely large but the few things inside were well equipped. There was also a small gym for her to exercise and practice skills she needed to maintain.