"Ying Yue...."
He dragged on her name while looking at the screen with urgency. Technically speaking, he could pull his hands out of her hold and go back to the keyboard but that was his last resort. The ice bag she had wrapped around his hands was tight and jagged, so if he were to force it there would be a lot of pain for himself. It would also offend Ying Yue if he did so, then there would be two negative consequences from forcing it.
He could tell that she was wavering as the pressure on his hand had lessened slightly. However, when she would completely agree was under a time stressor. Looking back and forth, he felt a neck cramp from moving that way.
"Ying Yue....come on. I'll ice my hand properly after let me just finish this. I won't drag it on for much longer."
She glared at him as the words coming out of his mouth increased. "Why don't I do it? I can still feel that your hands are swollen."