The Boxing Room Pt. 2


"Someone is getting cocky, guess I've been too soft on you, " Zhuang Wei replied with a smirk of his own. Judging by the tone of his voice, the intention to become more serious was clear. 

Zhuang Wei shook out his body lightly before stepping back into stance. Since they had done this type of fighting many times before his body was accustomed to this. He knew that Xi Long had a lot of tricks up his sleeve. One of the biggest problems with fighting each other so frequently was how well they knew each other. Which meant that all the moves they did had that much more meaning behind them and strategy. 

Contrary to each of their own personalities, Xi Long tended to be the more tricky one and he tended to be more aggressive in their matches. Narrowing his eyes, he took a quick side step to the left and then made a feint forward.