Switching Roles

Both Xi Long and her were silent on the phone for the entirety of the minute. Only when it became 11:12 did both of them refocus on the call. When she did, there was a bit of awkwardness in the air. She hadn't realized in the moment that she had revealed such a side to him unconciously. 'You didn't let your guard down Ying Yue, you just didn't care to hide this information.'

Seeing that he wasn't saying anything, she cleared her throat to cut the weird atmosphere. 

"So....how was work?" 

As soon as she said that she felt regret from choosing that question. She usually was a great conversationalist, she rarely failed a mission given to her that involved chatting up the target. Yet, now she was asking abrupt questions like this. She didn't care about how his work went and he didn't care about hers. Since she had already asked the question she can't go back now.