[Bonus chapter]No Interruptions This Time

A/N: I didn't let y'all wait, fastest I've ever written. Enjoy....

"There...are...people coming. I hear their footsteps." There were puffs of breaths in between her words as she tried to control her breathing. From their kiss right now her mind was quite fogged up but she could still sense that they were not alone. 

"Ignore them, no one will enter." His lips whispered against her as he spoke. Looking into his eyes she saw them darkening with lust and his grip on her hips became tighter. It was clear that he didn't want to stop and she imagined her face looked just as unwilling. Throwing caution to the wind, she silenced her doubts by leaning into their kiss again. It didn't take more than a few seconds before Xi Long was responding and taking over.