In kashmir, there was a king named Sura Sena. He followed moral values and was loyal, respectful and intelligent. He used to take good care of his subjects. He had a capable minister by the name Vinaya nidhi and a priest by the name Kala nidhi. King Sura sena also had a merchant and an artist as friends. These five people are dear friends to each other.
One evening all five friends are sitting on a rooftop enjoying the gentle breeze of spring. Minister Vinaya nidhi observed that the king is sad and asked the reason for his sadness.
King sighed. "Friends, I don't have any problem. But today when I was dealing with the matters of court, I came across an issue. A billionaire died suddenly. He didn't have any kids or relatives. He did not write his will too. So that village head wrote a letter to us saying all his wealth became ours. You people saw that too. You saw what happens to the people who did not have kids. None of us five have any sons. So, I am worried about our future."
Minister Vinaya nidhi understood his concern and pacified him. "Your majesty! You need not worry about this issue. There are many ways where you can get a son. A king did a homam to get sons and he succeeded even though he was really old. May be our priest can also say any such method to get a son."
Priest got up from his seat. "Yes your majesty. There are many methods to get blessed with sons. They range from homams, charities, pilgrim tours and such. I will search for the easiest method and inform you about it. Even in our recent history there was king Narasimha who with blessings from a brahmin birthed a son Krishnadevaraya in his late age."
"what? I never heard of this. Can you tell the story?"
Story about birth of Krishnadevaraya:
King Narasimha is a popular king in his times and is kind hearted. He was dedicated with many poems praising him from many poets. His only worry being that he was not blessed with a son. His minister was worried about king and the kingdom. So he called for many astrologers and priests for a solution.
"Venerable priests and astrologers. His majesty is really sad about having no sons. You are necessary to king now. You can predict past, present and future easily. So please check the astrology of king and tell us the suitable method or ritual to follow for the king to have sons. If not, you will be sent away from the kingdom."
They asked the minister for a period of 6 months to study the stars and signs. They went home and worked hard on checking many astrology books which they didn't even bother to look at till then. At last they saw some information about getting kids.
On a particular day, at 2 in the night, 2 miles to the north of the village they predicted that a star would fall on the ground. (Don't imagine star as big as a real star. This is a very tiny star. We are in a story after all :D ) Make that star fall into a container of water. If anyone drinks that water they will be blessed with son. This is the theory the astrologers and priests concluded together and informed the minister.
Minister commanded his subjects to build an altar with steps at that place. Soon that destined day came. They made an old brahmin fast that whole day and made him climb the altar along with the container filled with water which was kept before god and blessed upon. Everyone in the kingdom from king to peasants came there to watch the scene of star falling over from the sky. Exactly at the time mentioned by astrologers, a twinkling star fell into the water in the hands of brahmin. King was glad and gave few villages to the astrologers and priests who took part in this mission.
King drank the water from that container. He called his favourite youngest wife to his chamber on that night. But that wife thought that her beautiful figure would be damaged after giving birth. So she sent her maid in her place to the king's chamber that night. Maid acted like his own wife in body language and voice too. Since it was night time, King could not differentiate that it was not his own wife.
Dawn broke soon. King came to see that the woman beside his not his wife but a maid. He was enraged enough to kill her but controlled himself and summoned minister to his presence.
Minister : Your majesty. why are you trying to kill her? what did she do wrong??
King told him everything and asked for his opinion.
"Your majesty. She didn't do anything wrong. She just obeyed her own master. Your wife is still young to know the depth of this matter. Then again what happened has already happened. Just let the fate play its own role. I feel like the son birthed by this girl would become a great person. So just accept her as your wife and keep her in palace." And the king accepted this.
After Nine months, that maid gave birth to a very cute baby boy. He is the most well known Krishna devaraya. He got many titles be it in battle field or in poetry.
Priest ended the story of birth of Krishna devaraya to king Sura sena who was listening attentively. "Your majesty. You can also get a baby boy with the blessings of a brahmin. So make arrangements for that soon."
As the five friends chatting away like this, a mango fell from the sky onto the table in front of them. They were surprised and looked at sky. There they saw an eagle making rounds over the mango. They saw the claw marks of eagle on the mango and understood that the mango fell from the eagle's claws.
Minister asked priest to see the story behind the mango. Priest calculated the time and said that the mango is a blessed one which can give kids to people upon eating it. All friends became happy at the words of priest. They felt blessed by the gods. Soon they divided the mango into five parts among themselves. King took the seed. Minister took the outer layer. Priest, Merchant and artist took the pieces of mango pulp. They took those pieces to their respective homes and gave them to their wives and made love to them that night.
Soon their wives showed signs of pregnancy and after ten months, on an auspicious day all five wives gave birth to one son each.
Mani told the story till here when kota interrupted.
"Just by eating a mango they fell pregnant? That fruit must be having some interesting story behind it too. Tell me that story too."
Mani gave a slight chuckle and started telling him the story of the mango.