
Oh my Goddess, physical labour is so exhausting. I had an absolute blast at work today but can barely keep my eyes open.

I got picked up just before 8am by a Were male named Adam, he's going to be my supervisor for the foreseeable future. Pretty nice guy, super tall, blond, build like a brick outhouse. You could easily describe him as a Viking, he even had the axe on his belt.

He'd been give a series of locations to clear last night, so we were to head directly to the first. A tree that had been leaning for some time finally couldn't hold any longer and fell blocking the entrance to one of the public seating areas.

Adam used an electric chainsaw to cut some sizeable chunks out of the trunk of the tree. While he worked on the second and third I moved the first to the back of the truck. It was not too easy at first but then Adam explained how to 'switch on' Werewolf strength and while it took me a good hour to figure it out, when I did, it was exhilarating.

My first conscious body shift. Nothing visible but the wood I was previously dragging along the floor I could then lift with absolute ease. It was so freaking amazing and unbelievable.

By that point Adam had cut up a good three feet of the tree blocking the path into large chunks ready for me to move. Apparently the larger it can be cut, the better carvings can be made. As the tree has a large girth we then set about using a two-person saw to remove a series of thick flat sections that could be made into table tops. The grain looks amazing and I hope I get the chance to buy one of the tables as I know it'll be a stunning piece for the kitchen.

In the end we managed to remove five sections that were roughly three or four inches deep and maybe four feet across. I moved those to the flatbed of the truck while Adam cleared a little more space for cars to drive through.

He apparently knew we wouldn't get to more than one or maybe two sites today while I learnt some of the ropes. We headed back to the workshop after that to empty the truck and finish up for the day.

I was introduced to the rest werewolves that work at the company but am terrible with names so unfortunately do not remember a single one. They seem like super nice folk though, down to earth and solid people.

They've asked that I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday so tomorrow I will be headed into the forest with Sara. Apparently you can do different trails and see where different movies were filmed. We're going to have a look at a few of those and have a picnic out.